La Paz, Jul 6 (ABI) .- The Scientific Committee of La Paz began research and trials of treatments against the coronavirus with Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide, so that the population has certainty about its use for medical purposes, reported the Monday from the director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Ramiro Narváez.
"The departmental Scientific Committee has decided to carry out research trials for alternative treatments against coronavirus, so that the population can be certain about the treatments to be used," the authority said.
The initial protocol against COVID-19 implemented by Headquarters is applied on the basis of Azithromycin, a treatment that is expected to implement an alternative formula.
Narváez highlighted the competition of all the entities involved, both in the field of research and in health, to achieve a result that gives certainty to patients affected by the coronavirus.
Last May, the Ministry of Health, through Resolution No. 259/20, included in its national formulary the use of Ivermetine (in tablets of 3 and 6 milligrams) as a drug allowed for human use.
The ministerial provision, regarding the clinical prescription of this product, establishes its supply under strict medical supervision, warning of the risks of self-medication.
Meanwhile, regarding the use of Chlorine Dioxide, the Health authorities warned about the risks of taking this product, which has not yet been scientifically proven as a treatment against COVID-19.
In this context, Narváez encouraged the performance of all the necessary tests, within the framework of an interdisciplinary and multi-active work of all entities, mainly the College of Biochemists.
"This is a great contribution to review every week the protocols that we have tried and we can expand the drug arsenal," he said.
According to what Narváez announced, the protocols and treatments against coronavirus, recommended by the scientific society of La Paz, will be announced through the first-level centers that serve 24 hours, from the emergency areas.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 03:30:31
Too late?
La Paz, Jul 6 (ABI) .- The Scientific Committee of La Paz began research and trials of treatments against the coronavirus with Ivermectin and Chlorine Dioxide, so that the population has certainty about its use for medical purposes, reported the Monday from the director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Ramiro Narváez.
"The departmental Scientific Committee has decided to carry out research trials for alternative treatments against coronavirus, so that the population can be certain about the treatments to be used," the authority said.
The initial protocol against COVID-19 implemented by Headquarters is applied on the basis of Azithromycin, a treatment that is expected to implement an alternative formula.
Narváez highlighted the competition of all the entities involved, both in the field of research and in health, to achieve a result that gives certainty to patients affected by the coronavirus.
Last May, the Ministry of Health, through Resolution No. 259/20, included in its national formulary the use of Ivermetine (in tablets of 3 and 6 milligrams) as a drug allowed for human use.
The ministerial provision, regarding the clinical prescription of this product, establishes its supply under strict medical supervision, warning of the risks of self-medication.
Meanwhile, regarding the use of Chlorine Dioxide, the Health authorities warned about the risks of taking this product, which has not yet been scientifically proven as a treatment against COVID-19.
In this context, Narváez encouraged the performance of all the necessary tests, within the framework of an interdisciplinary and multi-active work of all entities, mainly the College of Biochemists.
"This is a great contribution to review every week the protocols that we have tried and we can expand the drug arsenal," he said.
According to what Narváez announced, the protocols and treatments against coronavirus, recommended by the scientific society of La Paz, will be announced through the first-level centers that serve 24 hours, from the emergency areas.