Yes, watch the videos. I just created a post on the Drbeen video. It is good (I haven't watched the other Drbeen video yet).
The nursing home one is also good for a bunch of anecdotal data regarding a nursing home that had a scabies outbreak that they treated with Ivermectin. In the nursing home, the staff had a higher COVID infection rate than the patients. The video is a bit boring, and I couldn't finish once she got sidetracked on how her mom died. If there a parts worth watching after that, please let me know.
And of course the Medcram is also good, but I think Drbeens was better.
Nursing homes are natural experiments that could produce great data on ivermectin, if someone would do it. Similarly prisons, where ivermectin is also standard treatment for scabies. Makes me wish I had an MD/PhD and a pile of money. Alas.
I have resisted Dr. Been because my hearing sucks (I'm old and went to 5 Ramones concerts without adequate hearing protection). I tried one and gave up immediately. It sure would be nice if people would post transcripts. Not hinting. ;)
I agree, the nursing home one would be much better as a paper. I can't find anything else that reference it (even though she made it seem like a trial was started because of it). The video sucks, and my 4 sentence summary is better than the whole video. The data is interesting. It is the first unexpected experiment on Ivermectin vs COVID19.
YouTube generates transcripts. Generally it isn't useful to paste it because of Reddit's text-size limits.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 07 2020 01:13:04
There are some videos linked that I haven't watched.
IVERTODO: Watch the videos? Check the links.
[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 07 2020 01:32:25
Yes, watch the videos. I just created a post on the Drbeen video. It is good (I haven't watched the other Drbeen video yet).
The nursing home one is also good for a bunch of anecdotal data regarding a nursing home that had a scabies outbreak that they treated with Ivermectin. In the nursing home, the staff had a higher COVID infection rate than the patients. The video is a bit boring, and I couldn't finish once she got sidetracked on how her mom died. If there a parts worth watching after that, please let me know.
And of course the Medcram is also good, but I think Drbeens was better.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 01:58:10
I wrote up the nursing home one. Not impressed.
Nursing homes are natural experiments that could produce great data on ivermectin, if someone would do it. Similarly prisons, where ivermectin is also standard treatment for scabies. Makes me wish I had an MD/PhD and a pile of money. Alas.
I have resisted Dr. Been because my hearing sucks (I'm old and went to 5 Ramones concerts without adequate hearing protection). I tried one and gave up immediately. It sure would be nice if people would post transcripts. Not hinting. ;)
[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 07 2020 02:25:45
I agree, the nursing home one would be much better as a paper. I can't find anything else that reference it (even though she made it seem like a trial was started because of it). The video sucks, and my 4 sentence summary is better than the whole video. The data is interesting. It is the first unexpected experiment on Ivermectin vs COVID19.
YouTube generates transcripts. Generally it isn't useful to paste it because of Reddit's text-size limits.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 02:31:45
Good tip on the transcripts! Thanks! :)
Their existence means my shitty hearing isn't a constraint. I'd much rather summarize the transcript.