This is a very rough recap of the speaker's words.
TIL for me, that Trinidad, Bolivia distributed ivermectin in milk to deal with a parasite infestation, before covid19. Trinidad also distributed 350,000 doses when covid19 hit.
Is in fact Trinidad having a relative small covid19 problem, as the speaker says?
These are notes that I took in real time as I watched the video. I think they are accurate but they are not complete.
A doctor in Sao Paolo told a woman friend to take ivermectin, when her husband contracted covid-19. Two weeks later, she hadn't gotten the virus and her husband was much better.
I took ivermectin and didn't catch the virus, even though my son and his wife that I was living with got it. A month after dosing with ivermectin, I'm still fine.
In the Monash study they found that the drug reduced the virus 98% in 48 hours.
I found out that every doctor in town is taking it to avoid catching the virus.
If you catch covid19, you should self-isolate. If you get difficulty breathing, you should go to the hospital. You'll probably be put on a ventilator and have only a 50% chance of survival.
They aren't pushing anything to prevent catching the virus. I think it protects against the virus.
Ivermectin has been around since 1981 as an anti-parasitic. Millions and millions of doses are distributed in Africa by WHO. I expected Africa to be a disastrous situation -- but in fact Africa is being hit very lightly. An example is Ethiopia, which has 110 million people and distributes 70 million doses per year. There have been only 103 deaths in that huge country.
These facts are not being publicized.
Trinidad, Bolivia had an outbreak of parasitic infections. They distributed milk with ivermectin to the population, with great results. Miraculously there are very few cases in Trinidad.
In 2015, the 2 doctors who developed the drug received the Nobel Prize.
Ivermectin has been proven against dengue, river blindness, round worms, sika, even in the treatment of cancer.
It is long off its patent, so it's available to anyone to produce. It was cheap to buy. This might be a reason why it isn't being pushed by governments, because there's no money to be made from it.
I strongly recommend people to take it to prevent getting this virus. I was around very closely to 3 people who got it, but I didn't.
The dosage is 1 tablet for every 30 kilos of weight. Take 1 dose, skip a day, take another dose -- then take a dose every 15 days.
There are no side-effects and you cannot take too much. There are people who have taken 10 times the normal dose with no bad effects. It's been used for 40 years with no deaths. So it's completely safe. If it doesn't do any good -- it certainly isn't going to do any harm.
I strongly recommend that everybody look into taking it. See your doctor and show my video, if it's any help.
This should be shared everywhere there is coronavirus around. Even if there's not covid-19 around, take it.
Meh, anecdotal data about not contracting the virus.
In my own personal circle, I know someone with a confirmed case of COVID. She also exhibits the classic symptoms of COVID (Loss of smell, cold-like symptoms), so it isn't likely to be a false positive. Her live-in boyfriend has not contacted the virus (taken 3 tests so far). They made no attempt at isolation within the household. He has not taken Ivermectin or any other medicine.
It's interesting, though, isn't it -- that all the MDs in town are taking ivermectin to avoid getting the virus? There are a number of reports like this, e.g. one where none of the MDs at the hospital who took ivermectin got the virus, 2 who did not take ivermectin did catch it. The original Bangladesh story: None of the health workers at the hospital or their families caught the virus. Again, not proof. There's certainly a strong belief setting in, though, from the MDs on the front lines.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 07 2020 00:38:41
This is a very rough recap of the speaker's words.
TIL for me, that Trinidad, Bolivia distributed ivermectin in milk to deal with a parasite infestation, before covid19. Trinidad also distributed 350,000 doses when covid19 hit.
Is in fact Trinidad having a relative small covid19 problem, as the speaker says?
These are notes that I took in real time as I watched the video. I think they are accurate but they are not complete.
A doctor in Sao Paolo told a woman friend to take ivermectin, when her husband contracted covid-19. Two weeks later, she hadn't gotten the virus and her husband was much better.
I took ivermectin and didn't catch the virus, even though my son and his wife that I was living with got it. A month after dosing with ivermectin, I'm still fine.
In the Monash study they found that the drug reduced the virus 98% in 48 hours.
I found out that every doctor in town is taking it to avoid catching the virus.
If you catch covid19, you should self-isolate. If you get difficulty breathing, you should go to the hospital. You'll probably be put on a ventilator and have only a 50% chance of survival.
They aren't pushing anything to prevent catching the virus. I think it protects against the virus.
Ivermectin has been around since 1981 as an anti-parasitic. Millions and millions of doses are distributed in Africa by WHO. I expected Africa to be a disastrous situation -- but in fact Africa is being hit very lightly. An example is Ethiopia, which has 110 million people and distributes 70 million doses per year. There have been only 103 deaths in that huge country.
These facts are not being publicized.
Trinidad, Bolivia had an outbreak of parasitic infections. They distributed milk with ivermectin to the population, with great results. Miraculously there are very few cases in Trinidad.
In 2015, the 2 doctors who developed the drug received the Nobel Prize.
Ivermectin has been proven against dengue, river blindness, round worms, sika, even in the treatment of cancer.
It is long off its patent, so it's available to anyone to produce. It was cheap to buy. This might be a reason why it isn't being pushed by governments, because there's no money to be made from it.
I strongly recommend people to take it to prevent getting this virus. I was around very closely to 3 people who got it, but I didn't.
The dosage is 1 tablet for every 30 kilos of weight. Take 1 dose, skip a day, take another dose -- then take a dose every 15 days.
There are no side-effects and you cannot take too much. There are people who have taken 10 times the normal dose with no bad effects. It's been used for 40 years with no deaths. So it's completely safe. If it doesn't do any good -- it certainly isn't going to do any harm.
I strongly recommend that everybody look into taking it. See your doctor and show my video, if it's any help.
This should be shared everywhere there is coronavirus around. Even if there's not covid-19 around, take it.
[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 07 2020 00:59:46
Meh, anecdotal data about not contracting the virus.
In my own personal circle, I know someone with a confirmed case of COVID. She also exhibits the classic symptoms of COVID (Loss of smell, cold-like symptoms), so it isn't likely to be a false positive. Her live-in boyfriend has not contacted the virus (taken 3 tests so far). They made no attempt at isolation within the household. He has not taken Ivermectin or any other medicine.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 07 2020 01:32:09
Agree, it's not proof.
It's interesting, though, isn't it -- that all the MDs in town are taking ivermectin to avoid getting the virus? There are a number of reports like this, e.g. one where none of the MDs at the hospital who took ivermectin got the virus, 2 who did not take ivermectin did catch it. The original Bangladesh story: None of the health workers at the hospital or their families caught the virus. Again, not proof. There's certainly a strong belief setting in, though, from the MDs on the front lines.