TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 06 2020 04:19:27

Capital to buy 1.3 million cocktails against Covid-19 (Brazil 2020-07-03)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 06 2020 04:24:00

#Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin may be purchased through a partnership with the Army Laboratory

The Municipality of Campo Grande plans to purchase about 1.3 million hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin tablets to be made available for the initial treatment of Covid-19 cases and even suspects. According to the Municipal Health Secretariat (Sesau), these drugs can be purchased through partnerships, and one of them must be with the Army Laboratory.

Capital approved, on Wednesday night (1st), the protocol for treatment and prevention of the new coronavirus that uses a series of medications, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin (which is also used to treat worm).

These medications will be used by health professionals and confirmed case contacts. In the case of ivermectin, it would be used before symptoms of the new coronavirus show, even without a positive result for the disease.

“The city accepted the protocol, we will use it in our city. Now there are some bureaucratic formalities that the legislation imposes on us. I was told that the process should take 20 to 25 days, we will quote the laboratories to find out the value, but the important thing is that the demonstration of goodwill and determination to have the city government executed has already happened, but I cannot give one term, ”said Trad.

Management is now waiting for a response from the command. According to toxicologist doctor Sandro Benites, coordinator of the Integrated Toxicological Surveillance Center (Civitox), and who is part of the group of professionals who came together to offer the idea to the city, the Regional Council of Medicine of Mato Grosso do Sul (CRM -MS) has already authorized the use of this protocol, even without scientific evidence for the practice.

“It really doesn't have scientific proof because it takes years for this to happen, at least 12 months. So, this is valid for a normal period, which can wait 2, 3 years for scientific proof. But we are not experiencing a moment of peace and tranquility, we cannot wait 2 years, it is not time to sit and wait, otherwise we will lose thousands of lives ”, said Benites.

This protocol adopted in Campo Grande is already done in other locations in the country, such as Vitória (ES), Belém (PA) and Porto Feliz (SP). The idea, according to the doctor, came from a Brazilian professional who worked on the front line in Spain, where he used these drugs at the very beginning of the symptoms and says he was successful.

“We can't sit idly by, so why not try, if someone tried and it worked? When faced with an anomalous situation, bureaucracy loses its validity. The picture is blank in relation to this disease and someone needs to fill in the little arrows. Is it the time for us to expect scientific results or the time to observe what colleagues are doing to save lives? ”, Asked the toxicologist.


To date, no research has proven that the use of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin at the onset of the disease is actually beneficial. However, there is no evidence to the contrary.

Regarding ivermectin, the organization points out that the studies presented so far have been done in vitro and there are still no proven tests in humans. "Only clinical studies will allow defining its benefit and safety at Covid-19".

Even so, since the disclosure of the possibility that these drugs are favorable, the demand for them, even without a prescription, has increased a lot.

According to the director of the Regional Pharmacy Council of Mato Grosso do Sul (CRF-MS), Kelle Slavc, the demand was so great that the product ended up in the capital.

“We have a reduced stock, no one is meeting with the distributors anymore. This since the use of it by social networks and television began to be linked. Before, 50 boxes were enough for a month; now, what I had for a month is not enough for a day, ”said the pharmacist about ivermectin.
