TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points | Jul 05 2020 22:07:06

Natal Department of Health recommends using ivermectin to prevent and treat coronavirus (Brazil, 2020-06-06)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 05 2020 22:07:18

IVERTODO: Read this!


[-] capivaraMaster | 1 points | Jul 06 2020 00:09:09

They have a new treatment protocol where they recommend ivermectin as prophylaxis. I couldn't find the protocol itself, but found a lot of information on it here:

"Para o primeiro grupo (profissionais de saúde), a recomendação da secretaria é tomar um comprimido de ivermectina 6 mg para cada 30 Kg de peso corporal, durante dois dias, e a cada 15 dias. Como exemplo, quem tem 90 Kg deve tomar três comprimidos em um dia e três comprimidos no outro – e repetir a dose duas semanas depois.

Já o segundo grupo de pessoas (que tem fatores de risco) deve tomar um comprimido de 6 mg a cada 30 Kg de peso corporal por apenas um dia, e a cada 15 dias."

Quick translation: health professionals should take 6mg per 30kg every 15 days for 2 days, ppl with risk factors 6mg per 30kg every 15 days, single dose.

As treatment, they recommend the usual HCL or CL+Az plus Tamiflu if they suspect the patient might also have a flu. I tried searching the city office website for the protocol itself, but it's not there yet. The news over there seem to be some days old, we may be able to get it in a couple of days. City office website:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 06 2020 00:12:43

Excellent information, thanks very much for digging it up, and the translation!
