TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | Jul 03 2020 20:38:43

Ignored by the media, Brazilian mayor 'saved his city' from Chinese virus (Brazil, 2020-07-02)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 03 2020 20:56:07

If you take the doctor's statements at face value, this is an amazingly positive report. The main FABULOUS news (if true) is that ivermectin prophylaxis was incredibly effective.

Just 3 dead out of 53,000 people: wow. Or course it's not over yet.

#Read the article below carefully ... then reflect and ask yourself: 'How many deaths could have been prevented in the country?'

With just over 53 thousand inhabitants, the city of Porto Feliz is located 90 km from São Paulo (capital).

Elected in 2017, the doctor Cássio Habice Prado explained (through a live on youtube - thanks to the ethics of journalist Alexandre Garcia) how he was successful in early treatment (prophylaxis) against Covid-19.

The mayor is an MD! Prophylaxis again. :)

Before transcribing the words of Mayor Cássio, we would like to emphasize that ALL the mainstream media disdained (criticized, offended, disqualified, hid, ignored) the Porto Feliz protocol, even publishing articles that disqualified the use of the drugs mentioned below.

Can't find the Porto Feliz protocol (grrrr).

While dr. Cássio worked cautiously, mayors of different cities gave a show of hysteria (and lack of professionalism) and gave us the image that only such 'respirators' could save lives.

And the STF? Who remember?

In the first half of April, the country's highest court practically ignored the executive and delegated power to governors and mayors to determine measures during the pandemic.

Bolsonaro, who has always declared himself pro-hydroxychloroquine, was literally butchered.

The mainstream media, led by left-wing politicians, published 'tons' of articles naming all possible treatments as 'fake' ... the main social networks censored hundreds of pro-hydroxychloroquine posts with the claim that only WHO and the Ministry of Health (at the time headed by ex-minister Mandetta) had the authority to publish such protocols.

On April 6, Mandetta, probably in an ironic tone, declared that IVERMECTINA was a medication used to eliminate cattle ticks.

“Science, science, science”, was answered by former Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, when asked about possible drug treatments for Covid-19.

Do we have to follow science? It is obvious ... however, when we are at war, there is not enough time to wait months (even years) for the completion of studies.

#Against facts there are no arguments …

Below the words of dr. Cássio Habice Prado, mayor of Porto Feliz, SP:

"In early February, we restructured our health service ... in March, we brought together my team's doctors and created a protocol based on the 'Madrid Protocol', 'Bergamo Protocol' and 'Marseille Protocol'."

“On March 28, since we had the first case, we have been treating all patients with mild Covid symptoms early… these mild symptoms are obtained through clinical diagnosis (description of signs and symptoms) and tomography (here all do the tomography)… we have already distributed around 1500 kits ”

No tests available, I guess?!

( kit: hydroxychloroquine , azithromycin, enoxaparin, medicine for nausea and anti-inflammatory approximate cost: R $ 40.00)

??? The kid doesn't contain ivermectin???

40 Reals = $7.46 US.

“We created this kit, which was very criticized at the beginning, and everyone took these drugs during the end of March, April and May… since then, none of those 1500 patients has evolved into a tube, a respirator, an ICU or death.”

Ivermectin stops advancement of the disease! Again.

"The 3 deaths we have had so far are from patients who did not undergo early treatment"

“Fortunately, everyone who treated early does not progress severely… and even if they do progress to phase 2, treatment becomes easier. "

“What we also did was to treat the contacts (people in the community) with prophylaxis… we provide medicine for the contacts who have Covid at home… they all take IVERMECTIN “

Ivermectin prophylaxis! Love it!

“We could see that out of the 4500 contacts who underwent prophylaxis, none of them developed Covid”

“We also gave IVERMECTINA to housing workers and none of them developed Covid”

“We also chose (randomly) a city block (block) and gave IVERMECTINA to all the people on that block, approximately 290 residents… in the surrounding blocks, there were cases of Covid… in the block that was treated with IVERMECTINA, there was no case”

This is sounding too good to be true.

"Our experience is successful ... what concerns us is the late search ... patients leave to look for us at D10, D15 (days of symptoms) and they already arrive in phase 2 or 3, which ends up demanding ICU beds"

“We have some patients in serious condition because they came to us (unfortunately) in the late phase”

“We made sanitary barriers, sterilized all public spaces and we were the first city to demand the use of masks, at the end of March”

"We also did the prophylaxis of all medical staff and health officials ... who take IVERMECTIN or hydroxychloroquine in scheme similar to India (2 tablets of 400 mg in one day and then 1 tablet per week for a period 3-7 weeks)"

Same dose for both drugs? Were they equally effective?

"All the contacts of these medical teams (and health workers) also took IVERMECTIN (in the dose recommended by the package insert) as a prevention ... none of them developed Covid"

"The only 2 doctors who refused to take the drug, developed Covid"

"I advise all health professionals (who have direct contact with patients) to use both drugs (hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin)"

“These protocols must be put in place quickly in all cities so that we do not collapse. This restructuring should have been done in March, April… where were the mayors? On Pluto? ”

"Unfortunately, this treatment was politicized and the population of the cities was put at risk ..."


Given all the information posted above, you may be wondering:

"What should I do?"

Dr. Carine Petry, who was even infected by Covid, replies:

"Until recently, the population was told to look for a hospital only when they were short of breath"

"I am here today to say that this is not true and it has to change urgently ..."

“Cough, fever and shortness of breath are symptoms of a disease (Covid) already advanced… we have to advise everyone that Covid has early symptoms that appear in the first week of the disease's evolution. (below)"

If you have any symptoms represented in the table below, see a doctor and ask to have access to the Porto Feliz Protocol ... it's your right!


[-] capivaraMaster | 2 points | Jul 03 2020 23:35:23

If the protocol is what is coming in the kit, this article has a picture of the kit. Only one drug has the dose listed.

5 un Hydroxychloroquine 5 un Azithromycin 5 un Celecoxibe 200mg 15um Metoclopramida 5 days treatment.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 04 2020 00:06:36

Wow, you have excellent google fu. Thanks a lot!


[-] covid-19_throwaway | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 22:23:46

From what I can gather, their protocol seems to be giving ivermectin to close contacts of known cases, then giving them HCQ and/or clarithromycin if they develop symptoms.

One of the defenders of the use of the vermifuge, both in prevention and treatment, is the nutritionist and toxicologist, Sandro Benites, who has been prescribing the vermifuge for about three months. According to him, a WhatsApp group of other professionals from Campo Grande already has about 200 doctors, who share the idea.

Benites started treatment after knowing the results of group tests of about 600 association doctors in Belém do Pará (PA) and Porto Feliz (SP), where the vermifuge was used as a preventive and, in cases of symptoms, associated with hydroxychloroquine or clarithromycin, being dosed by prescription.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 22:27:08

their protocol seems to be giving ivermectin to close contacts of known cases, then giving them HCQ and/or clarithromycin if they develop symptoms.

That fits the article!

I had to look up vermifuge:

an agent that destroys or expels parasitic worms

So, just another word for ivermectin?

Thanks for the help!


[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 04 2020 01:56:53


Anthelmintics or antihelminthics are a group of antiparasitic drugs that expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body by either stunning or killing them and without causing significant damage to the host. They may also be called vermifuges (those that stun) or vermicides (those that kill).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jul 04 2020 02:11:15

Cool, thanks for the clarification.

So ivermectin is an example of a vermifuge, and in the usage here, it's used to refer to ivermectin, which is a vermifuge.

Seems like bad writing to me.

While arguing about which is the best flavor of ice cream, Robert said that vanilla frozen confectionary is superior.

It's OK to use "ice cream" again in the sentence.


[-] okayatarter | 2 points | Jul 04 2020 02:22:40

So, basically they gave it to people even before they were exposed to the virus? And then they never got affected by the virus?

I mean, this really does sound too good to be true. Why isn’t everyone on it!? Why’s everyone fixated on the damn vaccine if this can prevent it anyway?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 20:57:03

Weirdly, this article is about the same town and echos many of the same facts, e.g. the number of patients treated and dead -- but it doesn't mention ivermectin.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 21:16:59

IVERTODO: Watch this video of a bunch of Brazilian MDs (I guess) discussing their experience. They're in Porto Feliz, same as the OP article. June 29.


[-] DZinni | 1 points | Jul 04 2020 02:54:13

Underneath the video is a bunch of buttons. Click on the [...] button, and select view transcript. Much quicker to read than watch (especially since it isn't in English and you will just be reading anyway).

edit: NVM, they shared some cool slides/graphs.

edit: 9:50, 6mg of ivermectin per day for 4 days.


[-] unhurriedman | 1 points | Jul 04 2020 16:44:08

1 pill for 4 consecutive days*

I don't know if what you wrote means that, but that's what is on the slide. Sorry, I'm Brazilian, I'm not very good in English


[-] DZinni | 2 points | Jul 04 2020 17:39:04

That is not what I wrote. Thank you for correcting me. I do not speak Portuguese. I see now that "por" means both per and for depending on context.


[-] capivaraMaster | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 23:34:28

If the protocol is what is coming in the kit, this article has a picture of the kit. Only one drug has the dose listed.

5 un Hydroxychloroquine 5 un Azithromycin 5 un Celecoxibe 200mg 15um Metoclopramida 5 days treatment.
