DZinni | 2 points | Jul 02 2020 03:08:08

696. Ivermectin (JECFA, 1989?) - A Safety Evaluation of Ivermectin


[-] DZinni | 1 points | Jul 02 2020 03:13:19

I found this while looking for LD50 of Ivermectin. I'm assuming this was made in 1989 because that is the latest date I could find. It is mostly a collection of results from different animal testing. It also has some other interesting things, such as:

2.3 Observations in humans

One 15 year old male was accidentally injected with an unknown quantity of IVOMECTM 1% in a needle fingerprick accident. His arm later became paralysed, due to coincidental viral polyneuritis which was probably unrelated to ivermectin. An adult female injected herself accidentally with a small quantity (estimated to be 200 micrograms/kg body weight) of IVOMECTM 1%. Twelve hours later she experienced colicky pain with nausea, but recovered within 12 hours. A 16 month old boy weighing about 15 kg accidentally drank an estimated 10-13 ml of IVOMECTM 1%. Mydriasis was noted in one pupil, along with vomiting, pallor, 35°C body temperature, tachycardia, somnolence, and variable blood pressure. The next morning urticaria occurred. He was normal after three days. Therapy in hospital included calcium-gluconate, caffeine, and an antihistamine. A woman, 8 months pregnant, sprayed EQVALANTM into her eye. The eye was rinsed. Stinging at the application side was the only adverse effect described (Merck & Co., Inc., 1988a).
