More kits, apparently to be given to patients for them to take at home. Apparently the informed consent form says that there is no proof that the drugs (including ivermectin) work.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Cuiabá is the capital city of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.
Ordinance No. 053/2020, from the Municipal Health Secretariat, which regulates the use of the Covid-19 Kit in health units in Cuiabá, was published in the Official Gazette that circulated on Monday (29). According to the document, medicines will be made available in Primary and Secondary Care units (UBS, ESF, UPAs and Polyclinics), upon medical prescription and availability of medicines on the network.
“It is important to note that doctors are not obliged to prescribe the kit. Each professional has the freedom to prescribe the medicine they think is most appropriate ”, explained the deputy secretary of Health Assistance in Cuiabá, Luiz Gustavo Raboni Palma.
The Covid-19 Kit will consist of the drugs Azithromycin, Ivermectin and an analgesic / antipyretic.
“Although we do not have studies that guarantee the real efficiency of these drugs in combating the new coronavirus, some have proven in vitro efficacy by reducing the viral multiplication of the coronavirus. In addition, positive results were observed in several locations where the drugs were implanted early. In view of the need to adopt urgent measures for the control and containment of health risks, the Health Department decided to adopt the use ”, explained Palma.
Physicians who prescribe the Covid-19 Kit to their patients should instruct them to read and sign a Free and Informed Consent Form (ICF) for the use of the drugs as a treatment without proof of effectiveness in combating covid-19.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 01 2020 23:59:54
More kits, apparently to be given to patients for them to take at home. Apparently the informed consent form says that there is no proof that the drugs (including ivermectin) work.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Cuiabá is the capital city of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.
Ordinance No. 053/2020, from the Municipal Health Secretariat, which regulates the use of the Covid-19 Kit in health units in Cuiabá, was published in the Official Gazette that circulated on Monday (29). According to the document, medicines will be made available in Primary and Secondary Care units (UBS, ESF, UPAs and Polyclinics), upon medical prescription and availability of medicines on the network.
“It is important to note that doctors are not obliged to prescribe the kit. Each professional has the freedom to prescribe the medicine they think is most appropriate ”, explained the deputy secretary of Health Assistance in Cuiabá, Luiz Gustavo Raboni Palma.
The Covid-19 Kit will consist of the drugs Azithromycin, Ivermectin and an analgesic / antipyretic.
“Although we do not have studies that guarantee the real efficiency of these drugs in combating the new coronavirus, some have proven in vitro efficacy by reducing the viral multiplication of the coronavirus. In addition, positive results were observed in several locations where the drugs were implanted early. In view of the need to adopt urgent measures for the control and containment of health risks, the Health Department decided to adopt the use ”, explained Palma.
Physicians who prescribe the Covid-19 Kit to their patients should instruct them to read and sign a Free and Informed Consent Form (ICF) for the use of the drugs as a treatment without proof of effectiveness in combating covid-19.