TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Jun 28 2020 15:05:53



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Jun 28 2020 15:11:19

This document (apparently) urges Chileans to not buy ivermectin and self-dose, as they (apparently) did with HCQ.

The tweet with this document:

Sochimi only calls sensible, in a logic of scientific methodology, from which knowledge is derived, and currently for ivermectin more evidence is required before spreading its massive use. Furthermore, Sochinf has a similar call.

The document translated to English.

Chilean Society of Infectology


Following the publication of information in the national press regarding the use of Ivermectin as therapy for COVID-19 patients, we believe it necessary to specify:

1. To date there are several drugs considered in the scientific evaluation phase as future therapeutic tools against COVID-19.

2. The Chilean Society of Infectology (SOCHINF) through its Advisory Committee on Antimicrobials and in conjunction with the Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine, Chilean Society of Respiratory Diseases, Chilean Society of Pediatric Pneumology and Care Branch Intensive of the Chilean Society of Pediatrics, have published two versions with an extensive review of scientific publications to guide therapeutic decisions in adult and pediatric patients hospitalized for COVID-19.

IVERTODO Find these.

3. Any drug to be considered and incorporated as therapy in a certain pathology requires a large number of clinical studies with adequate sample sizes of different populations of humans and specific scientific research designs that allow evaluate its real impact.

4. Ivermectin is a known antiparasitic drug, not without risks in its administration, and with few published in vitro or theoretical studies regarding action against SARS-CoV-2, to date without demonstration of usefulness in humans against the virus that produces the COVID-19. There are some studies in progress, but their results have not been reported yet.

5. We call on the population, since we learned in March of the massive purchase of hydroxychloroquine in pharmacies (drug associated with severe cardiological risks, currently in discussion and without significant evidence supporting its use in treatment against SARS-CoV-2) by press information and social networks, to take any information from different therapies published in the mass media with extreme caution, and not self-medication as premises basic self-care.

6. Any specific therapeutic indication in COVID-19 patients must be prescribed by a doctor, and in hospitalized patients with adequate supervision.

Chilean Society of Infectology Directory
SOCHINF Antimicrobial Committee

Santiago, 31 mayo 2020.-

Bernarda MorĂ­n 488 Providencia, Santiago Chile / Phone: (56-2) 2 2 341 38 36
