TrumpLyftAlles | 9 points | Jun 28 2020 14:41:10

In 8 regions there is reduction in cases (Peru, 2020-06-27)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jun 28 2020 14:50:32

In Loreto, Ucayali, Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima and Callao, the average number of people infected by an infected person is less than one.

Effort. In Piura and La Libertad, the use of ivermectin and primary care in the fight against the virus stand out. In Arequipa the situation is critical.

“This situation is promising; however, this does not mean that we should let our guard down,” said President Martín Vizcarra in his last conference, after announcing that in eight regions of the country COVID-19 cases are decreasing.

The president assured that in Loreto, Ucayali, Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Lima and Callao the R factor (average of people who are infected by an infected person) is less than 1, although efforts must continue. Above all, because, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health , these regions continued with the highest number of infected.

It should be noted that of a million 604,521 samples sampled, 272,364 were positive. Of this total, Lima has 153,068 infected.

Meanwhile, the death toll rose yesterday to 8,939, that is, 178 more than Thursday. The good news is that 159,806 people have already defeated COVID-19 .

#Piura and La Libertad

Until a month ago, Piura , the second region of the country with the most cases of COVID-19, received 65 daily hospitalizations and now only registers 15. This is stated by its governor, Servando García, who points out that the two measures that have allowed the decrease Gradual cases are the strengthening of the first level of care with medications and personnel who know how to diagnose cases of the new coronavirus, and the use of ivermectin when the disease is in its primary stage. "Five weeks ago we started with the 'Medico a tu Casa' program that works in conjunction with 'Te Cuido Perú'."

Ivermectin early works!

Similarly, in La Libertad , with 9,307 cases and an average of 200 new daily records, ivermectin has been a key factor in preventing patients from being hospitalized, according to its governor, Manuel Llempén. "Our strategies are mass controls. We no longer apply the rapid test, but the doctors determine if it is COVID-19 for the symptoms, and on the spot he is given the medicines.” And seeing the shortage of ivermectin, in La Libertad their pharmaceutical chemists are already manufacturing it.

A different situation is experienced in Arequipa. Yesterday there were 22 deaths and the collapse of the main hospitals.

Map of Peru Regions and COVID-19 Status
