#Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Distributed for the Islay Health Network
Yesterday, the Regional Health Management (Geresa) of Arequipa began the distribution of 89,090 Hydroxychloroquine tablets and 2,650 bottles of Ivermectin to the health networks of the Arequipa region.
These medications for the treatment of patients with coronavirus (COVID 19) were transferred from the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Health Resources (Cenares).
According to the casuistry, the Islay Network will be given 5790 Hydroxychloroquine tablets along with 113 bottles of Ivermectin.
In addition, the Arequipa - Caylloma Network will be given 66,270 tablets of Hydroxychloroquine and 2,192 bottles of Ivermectin, the Red Camaná - Caravelí 8310 and 200 and the Red Castilla - Condesuyos - La Unión 6720 and 145 respectively.
As reported by the head of the Executive Directorate for Drugs, Inputs and Drugs (DIREMID), pharmaceutical chemist Pedro Escobedo, each network will redistribute these drugs according to the number of cases by geographic area.
"The treatment scheme for patients with coronavirus is 16 hydroxychloroquine tablets for 7 days and two doses (bottles) of Ivermectin. Ivermectin is applied one drop for each kilo of the patient and the doses are applied with an interval of 24 hours, "he explained.
Weirdly, the following paragraph doesn't appear in the article. I had to SaveAs the web page to get access to the page's text (some evil JavaScript prevented the usual copying) and the paragraph was in the saved source?!?!
The Regional Government of Arequipa, through the pharmaceutical chemists of the Goyeneche Hospital and the IREN Sur, will produce the drug ivermectin, which has shown greater efficacy in treatments against coronavirus. The project will allow the development of half a million doses of this medicine.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jun 25 2020 18:30:07
Islay is the southern-most region of Peru.
#Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Distributed for the Islay Health Network
Yesterday, the Regional Health Management (Geresa) of Arequipa began the distribution of 89,090 Hydroxychloroquine tablets and 2,650 bottles of Ivermectin to the health networks of the Arequipa region.
These medications for the treatment of patients with coronavirus (COVID 19) were transferred from the National Center for the Supply of Strategic Health Resources (Cenares).
According to the casuistry, the Islay Network will be given 5790 Hydroxychloroquine tablets along with 113 bottles of Ivermectin.
In addition, the Arequipa - Caylloma Network will be given 66,270 tablets of Hydroxychloroquine and 2,192 bottles of Ivermectin, the Red Camaná - Caravelí 8310 and 200 and the Red Castilla - Condesuyos - La Unión 6720 and 145 respectively.
As reported by the head of the Executive Directorate for Drugs, Inputs and Drugs (DIREMID), pharmaceutical chemist Pedro Escobedo, each network will redistribute these drugs according to the number of cases by geographic area.
"The treatment scheme for patients with coronavirus is 16 hydroxychloroquine tablets for 7 days and two doses (bottles) of Ivermectin. Ivermectin is applied one drop for each kilo of the patient and the doses are applied with an interval of 24 hours, "he explained.
Weirdly, the following paragraph doesn't appear in the article. I had to SaveAs the web page to get access to the page's text (some evil JavaScript prevented the usual copying) and the paragraph was in the saved source?!?!
The Regional Government of Arequipa, through the pharmaceutical chemists of the Goyeneche Hospital and the IREN Sur, will produce the drug ivermectin, which has shown greater efficacy in treatments against coronavirus. The project will allow the development of half a million doses of this medicine.