TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
Have Bangladeshi doctors developed a miracle cure for Covid-19? (Bangladesh, 2020-06-25)[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
This is another interview with Dr. Aram, citing still more success with ivermectin + doxycycline.
IVERTODO: Write-up
[-] Sokrjrk12 | 2 points | Jun 25 2020 17:45:58
Again I don't think ivermectin will work by itself in critically ill patients. Patients who are critically ill are mostly suffering from their cytokine storm and not the virus at that point. The key is EARLY treatment, so you can STOP the progression from mild - severe.
[-] Z3rul | 1 points | Jun 26 2020 03:54:04
i agree, but there are another drugs that are proven to work for late ill patients in cytokine storm too