kylejoesph11 | 4 points
Baghdad studyThe study was returned on the 16th, any updates on them publishing the data?
[-] fyodor32768 | 5 points
This is what the "help" option says.
So it looks like it is still pending revisions and edits from reviewers.
[-] themanof68 | 5 points
I believe it's better to be properly reviewed before publishing rather than be shot down by skeptics for minor issues.. Let them get it right
I'd like to remind, as a layman, that we need at least 3-4 studies to be really confident.
The biggest thing going for ivermectin is that it is super cheap and super available and production can be scaled up easily.
So even if helps 25% cases or in particular stages only, that is still very effective. Like the recently announced dexamethasone (UK) - definitely, seriously helps reduce mortality even though it does not prevent or "cure" COVID.
Dosage, timing of intervention, genetics, age, viral load / severity all are important. So, feeling dejected if one study doesn't show promise is unwise. Other studies might work better.
In any case, it is best if the objective truth is published, rather than enthusiastic and biased conclusions.
So, wait for 3-4 proper reviewed studies. That means August/September, yes.
But after August, if ivermectin works for, hypothetically, even only 10-15% of cases, that's 10-15% of humanity out of trouble. That's still amazing because that 10-15% can go back to work with 2-4 cheap pills in their pocket and restart life and the economy. Have to wear masks, though!
Don't be disappointed if the results of any one study don't match the hype. Wait some more. It might help another demographic.
Edit: Remember also that masks and distancing are actually critical. They are as effective a preventive as any drug used so far.
[-] fieldsofcoral | 5 points | Jun 19 2020 09:03:28
Hard to say exactly, but I think it means they sent it back to the researchers to correct some things. Otherwise if the review was all fine, it would have been released. Just my take, could be wrong.