We have about 120 cases with 30 or more days of Preventive Treatment. We have given 1 dose of 0.2 mg / kilo of weight to all the elderly in 3 Residences or Asylums, after 30 days no one got sick, they also took the nursing staff and the doctors, after 32 days they were given 1 dose of 0.2 mg / kg of weight to all. With Pediatricians who use Ivermectin for decades, they believed that the dose be repeated every 2 to 3 months, veterinary doctors use it every 3 to 4 months, but they are for parasitosis, so we have chosen to indicate it every 30 days to ensure greater protection, and since the cost is low and at these doses there are practically no side effects, we better choose to recommend every 30 days, except for those with very low exposure, who can repeat every 2 months.
Give the usual 200mcg/kg dose every 30 days.
[Someone asked "You gave them ivermectin for one day or 3 days?"]
If it is for Prevention or Prophylaxis, that is, when you are not sick, you are given a single dose for 1 day, otherwise you would be giving a therapeutic dose. Ivermectin has been used for decades as prophylaxis for parasitosis, onchocerciasis, ectoparasitosis, diseases by larvae and mosquitoes, and they give doses every 3, 6 and up to 12 months. For Coronavirus we have initially given it to a group of about 60 with 1 initial dose and a 2nd dose after 30 days. In another group of about 60 elderly women, it was decided to give them 1 dose of 0.2 mg for 2 days, in this case it was because some 7 elderly women were already ill and some had already progressed to Moderate and Severe cases (after a few days one died ), so it was really preferred to sin in excess since it was not possible to know that old women already had the disease, so in this case it was 2 days, which is already a therapeutic dose for mild cases, and after a month none fell ill. As with the passing of the weeks we are seeing the presence of cases that progress without Ivermectin making it more effective, this more related to doctors and their contacts, we have chosen to include the second dose after 7 days.
For a group of elderly women, 7 of 60 already ill, got the second dose after 2 days.
For doctors and their contacts, the second dose happens after a week.
This is insane. I mean, in a good way. Too good to be true.
I wonder why there aren’t ANY people posting their success stories about this. Why is it just doctors and trials posting about a theory they have of this drug.
With this being available OTC in Mexico and other places, we should’ve gotten at least some people who’d write about their experience.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 15 2020 19:38:44
We have about 120 cases with 30 or more days of Preventive Treatment. We have given 1 dose of 0.2 mg / kilo of weight to all the elderly in 3 Residences or Asylums, after 30 days no one got sick, they also took the nursing staff and the doctors, after 32 days they were given 1 dose of 0.2 mg / kg of weight to all. With Pediatricians who use Ivermectin for decades, they believed that the dose be repeated every 2 to 3 months, veterinary doctors use it every 3 to 4 months, but they are for parasitosis, so we have chosen to indicate it every 30 days to ensure greater protection, and since the cost is low and at these doses there are practically no side effects, we better choose to recommend every 30 days, except for those with very low exposure, who can repeat every 2 months.
Give the usual 200mcg/kg dose every 30 days.
[Someone asked "You gave them ivermectin for one day or 3 days?"]
If it is for Prevention or Prophylaxis, that is, when you are not sick, you are given a single dose for 1 day, otherwise you would be giving a therapeutic dose. Ivermectin has been used for decades as prophylaxis for parasitosis, onchocerciasis, ectoparasitosis, diseases by larvae and mosquitoes, and they give doses every 3, 6 and up to 12 months. For Coronavirus we have initially given it to a group of about 60 with 1 initial dose and a 2nd dose after 30 days. In another group of about 60 elderly women, it was decided to give them 1 dose of 0.2 mg for 2 days, in this case it was because some 7 elderly women were already ill and some had already progressed to Moderate and Severe cases (after a few days one died ), so it was really preferred to sin in excess since it was not possible to know that old women already had the disease, so in this case it was 2 days, which is already a therapeutic dose for mild cases, and after a month none fell ill. As with the passing of the weeks we are seeing the presence of cases that progress without Ivermectin making it more effective, this more related to doctors and their contacts, we have chosen to include the second dose after 7 days.
For a group of elderly women, 7 of 60 already ill, got the second dose after 2 days.
For doctors and their contacts, the second dose happens after a week.
[-] okayatarter | 1 points | Jun 16 2020 03:18:30
This is insane. I mean, in a good way. Too good to be true.
I wonder why there aren’t ANY people posting their success stories about this. Why is it just doctors and trials posting about a theory they have of this drug.
With this being available OTC in Mexico and other places, we should’ve gotten at least some people who’d write about their experience.
Don’t know. I just wonder.