TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points
Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol (Eastern Virginia Medical School, US Updated 2020-05-25, PDF)[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
I texted Dr. Marik, urging him to try ivermectin with EVMS's severely-ill patients (ALL patients actually). The texts.
Argh: Imgur presents the second page first. Grrrr.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Jun 14 2020 17:20:46
This protocol was posted to the sub about a month ago. This updated version has ivermectin listed ONLY as an optional at-home treatment. Edit: It was the same in the original protocol.
Go here for future updates.
On that page:
Download the latest EVMS Critical Care COVID-19 Protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik.
Above is a text version of the chart, with a lot more information than the chart.
Download the two-page Marik COVID-19 Protocol Summary based on the protocol above.
Above is the link to the chart that is posted as an image below.
Here is the whole chart, possibly saving you from having to deal with the PDF hassle. This is a static image that won't be updated. Use the link above to check for updated charts.
EVMS COVID-19 Treatment Protocol Chart
It's disappointing that EVMS sees such a limited role for ivermectin. Perhaps the Broward result that ivermectin was helpful among the most severely ill patients will lead EVMS to change that.
Edit: This pair of images shows the treatments as a time-line; it has barely changed.