Official Title: Use of Ivermectin as a Prophylactic Option in Asymptomatic Family Close Contact for Patient With COVID-19
This is a clinical trial with N=100, random assignment to treatment and control groups. The treatment is two doses of ivermectin on consecutive days. They will be looking at covid19 symptoms (primary outcome) and the course of the disease over 14 days (secondary outcome).
Patients will be ages 16-70.
Expected completion date: June 2020.
That super-fast date even though ClinicalTrials says they are still recruiting. The study started May 31.
Prophylactic is interesting.
Aha! I need to look at the table views!
asymptomatic family close contact of confirmed COVID -19 patient will receive prophylactic ivermectin and will be followed up for 14 days for any symptoms & diagnosis of COVID -19
So these are NOT hospitalized patients, they are people in close contact with (living with?) people identified as positive for covid19.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 10 2020 17:36:11
Yet another Egypt study!
Official Title: Use of Ivermectin as a Prophylactic Option in Asymptomatic Family Close Contact for Patient With COVID-19
This is a clinical trial with N=100, random assignment to treatment and control groups. The treatment is two doses of ivermectin on consecutive days. They will be looking at covid19 symptoms (primary outcome) and the course of the disease over 14 days (secondary outcome).
Patients will be ages 16-70.
Expected completion date: June 2020.
That super-fast date even though ClinicalTrials says they are still recruiting. The study started May 31.
Prophylactic is interesting.
Aha! I need to look at the table views!
asymptomatic family close contact of confirmed COVID -19 patient will receive prophylactic ivermectin and will be followed up for 14 days for any symptoms & diagnosis of COVID -19
So these are NOT hospitalized patients, they are people in close contact with (living with?) people identified as positive for covid19.