fyodor32768 | 5 points
First RCT of Ivermectin showing as completeBaghdad study says it's complete. Any idea on timeline for results?
[-] strongerthrulife | 1 points
Fingers crossed
All my digits are crossed :D If this works, boy, have we dodged a ~~bullet.~~ massacre.
PS: I'm a total layman. Actually, we should wait for at least 4-5 studies from different places - this is Iraq (west asia), so at least one from the americas, one from south asia, one from africa and one from europe. The more the better, but before getting 4-5 results, concluding definitively is not wise. All the same, where people are dying or sick, everyone should try this safe and cheap drug. I believe it's called compassionate use or something.
[-] themanof68 | 2 points | Jun 11 2020 23:35:25
The results have been submitted but not yet published.