fieldsofcoral | 11 points | Jun 08 2020 14:56:52

Peruvian doctor Gustavo Elera has stopped the coronavirus in about 1,200 patients in Chanchamayo with Ivermectin (7th June)


[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points | Jun 08 2020 14:58:08

English version

"Most colleagues have become followers of what the WHO says and do not apply the evidence. Before, the old doctors, my teachers, with observation and monitoring of the patients told us: 'this works like this' and it worked ”.

From April to date, the doctor Gustavo Elera Arévalo, Trujillo himself, has treated 1,200 patients with excellent results, all of them at the time affected by the coronavirus, in La Merced, Chanchamayo, Junín.

In the initial stage of this disease, he provided all of them with standardized treatment that was typical of a protocol established by him and his medical team. For this reason, he regrets that the deaths today are counted by thousands in our country and criticizes the Government, especially the Ministry of Health, for not making adequate decisions and, above all, in time to stop the pandemic, which he He has coped without having to regret the death of his patients.

Elera Arévalo, in this hard process of facing SARSCoV-2, has had an ally in her treatments: Ivermectin, a drug that has been talked about a lot since the beginning of this disease in the world, comments (especially those who disqualified it ) that he considers are based on ignorance, although in several countries in Europe, Central America and South America it has served to stop the chilling death rate.

For this reason, the fact that President Martín Vizcarra and, hours later, the Minister of Health himself, Víctor Zamora, last Thursday, stated that they will acquire 490 thousand treatments of Ivermectin to contain the covid19, he is not very happy, since this The decision, he believes, should have been made well in advance.


-Ivermectin has been stigmatized for being also for veterinary use, which I think has to be ruled out. Inclusively, the Government has just made the decision to buy a batch of 490 thousand treatments. What do you think is the reason for not taking it into account since the start of the pandemic?

We must do this at the national level to prevent people from dying every day. I am doing it with the Rotary Club of Chanchamayo institution to which I have belonged for 25 years, and my colleagues from the 18th promotion of Villarreal. They are helping me to successfully implement the protocol in their patients. I take the opportunity to invoke the Rotary clubs of Peru to join our campaign in the eradication of the covid-19, in the different prisons of Peru, for being important sources of contagion in the different cities.

-In the field of medicine, scientific evidence plays a vital role in the treatment of diseases.

-This is a new disease. My experience in more or less 1,200 patients in Chanchamayo, I consider to be the largest data in the world with Ivermectin among the prison, the police and residents of the area. I have the statistics, the scientific evidence.

-Since April 14, together with Dr. Fernando Polanco Hinostroza, a young doctor with whom we analyze and publish all the findings, to whom I give my public thanks.

-Look the question is simple: Ivermectin was created for humans, it was not created for animals. Over time it has continued to be used for a parasite that is prevalent in the Central Selva, which is called strongyloid, which gets into the skin and is transmitted by contaminated human feces and begins to eat you alive, to dry up, like a cancer.

Ivermectin is administered one drop every 24 hours for two days, and after a month you see the patient fully recovered. So Ivermectin was created for humans and over time it was seen to kill ectoparasites in cattle and in dogs, in animals. The maximum use that occurred in Peru is for the filaria or 'River blindness' and also for acarosis, known as scabies or 'scratch scratch', and for atopic dermatitis and period, a few short uses.

-In the market we find Ivermectin for human and animal use. The one for human use has been scarce and the few that are found have a very high cost. This being the case, can you use the vet?

Sure. It is not toxic. We have used the one for veterinary use for the La Merced prison (Chanchamayo), for the National Police, for all the patients we are seeing without any problem and we are going to use it in the scan that we will do in some other sectors of Chanchamayo itself.

The difference between Ivermectin for human use and that for veterinary use is that that for human use is Ivermectin plus water and Sorbitol, which is a flavoring that makes it sweet, and that for veterinary use is Ivermectin plus water, period.

-The news that comes from other countries is that they have included, for several weeks, Ivermectin among their essential medicines to treat patients with coronavirus, and they have had very good results. Without going very far, Bolivia is one of them.

-There is a delay in our health authorities, in making timely decisions, simply seeing what happens in countries near us. What do we expect, that there are more deaths?

How do you rate the role of WHO in the pandemic?

–Dr. Elmer Huertas was one of those who doubted Ivermectin because there was no evidence that it works against covid-19.

-Dr. Huertas's comments are based on evidence. In this disease, the only evidence we had was the mechanisms by which patients died and the trial of drugs that did little or nothing in the disease in the third phase. It bothered me a lot when a colleague from Chiclayo mentioned that he was successful in managing Ivermectin and in the same Sunday program, with sarcasm, he said: "That is anecdote", when the great discoveries of medicines were based on observation, accidents or coincidences .

-And the quick tests?

-I don't believe in Chinese rapid tests. Most of the patients I've had come in with their negative rapid tests, and when we screen them, they come out with lesions in the lungs. We give them treatment and they improve.


[-] movethroughit | 3 points | Jun 08 2020 16:46:19

Thanks, fieldsofcoral!


[-] nojox | 2 points | Jun 11 2020 21:25:26

Thanks for the translation
