TrumpLyftAlles | 9 points | Jun 07 2020 21:14:46

Proposal To Halt The COVID-19 Pandemic With Ivermectin (US, 2020-06-03)


[-] NityaStriker | 2 points | Jun 08 2020 14:51:06

We need to share this everywhere. I’ll start by sharing with my dad. Then on my Twitter.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jun 07 2020 21:16:20

It's a world plan. I put US in the parentheses because the author is based in New York City.

A successful vaccine will take a long time to develop; a safe and effective vaccine is not certain. The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) director Thomas Cueni pointed to estimates that the world will need some 15 billion doses to stop the virus, posing massive logistical challenges. By the time a successful vaccine is invented, tested and distributed, the world must passively wait under mandatory quarantine and social distancing, a strategy which delays but does not halt exponential global contagion.

With ivermectin management and possibly a vaccine, Covid-19 cases could be no more dangerous than the flu; business and society could return to normal.

Proposed Plan

1) Await results of mass distribution of ivermectin by Trinidad (they have administered 350,000 doses to all families).

2) If Covid-19 prevalence in Trinidad is reduced relative to other countries, then ivermectin should be used as prophylaxis and/or treatment.

3) All governments agree to prioritize production of ivermectin, subsidizing all pharmacological laboratories to enable ivermectin synthesis.

4) All governments distribute ivermectin to the entire world population (as Trinidad did) to be voluntarily taken on the same two consecutive days. 15 billion ivermectin treatments could be needed (twice for each person spaced 1-2 months apart) in contrast to 15 billion vaccinations estimated to be necessary in order to halt the pandemic.

5) Those later having any symptoms or testing positive for Coronavirus administered ivermectin; their families quarantined unless the whole family takes ivermectin.

6) Vitamin D3, zinc, low-dose aspirin encouraged unless contraindicated.

7) Social distancing mandated until pandemic halted.

8) Although Covid-19 may never be fully eradicated, it would cause less global mortality than influenza.

9) Life could fully return to normal if ivermectin (possibly with doxycycline) is used immediately for all new Covid-19 symptoms.

10) Global ban on any genetic viral manipulation.
