themanof68 | 18 points
Another very positive experience from a doctor in the Dominican using Ivermectin for Covid 19.. I used Google translate to read which worked very well.[-] strongerthrulife | 5 points
Can someone PLEASE explain to me why this isn’t getting wider traction?!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points
There still aren't any results from the 25+ ivermectin trials. The first trial is scheduled to complete in three days (!!), 2 more in July and 5 in August. Hopefully they will draw attention to the drug.
[-] strongerthrulife | 2 points
Let’s hope the trials are weighted well and have good results
Do you have a link or a name?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Not sure what you're looking for. The June 10 trial is among the ClinicalTrials set. Don't recall the name, sorry. Keep meaning to make a chart!
Search for ivermectin + covid-19 trials
Search for ivermectin + covid-19 trials
[-] strongerthrulife | 2 points
Thank you
[-] themanof68 | 2 points
It is highly frustrating! The drug is readily available, very safe profile proven to be safe with use since the 80's, very cheap!! The only thing I can say is that if in fact Ivermectin clears the virus in 48 to 72 hours, this would mean billions of dollars of losses for the big pharmaceuticals. To give you an idea, in Egypt where I live one box of 6mg tablets costs 1 USD!!
It is being held back until proven effective. Yet HCQ which has very dangerous side effects and has been proven to be not effective is the official approved drug. What a farce..
[-] strongerthrulife | 3 points
It’s absolutely evil. If this drug really does work this good, some compassionate off label use could easily prove it in short order with zero risk to patients
[-] themanof68 | 3 points
That is already happening in South America. Peru, Bolivia and other South American countries have recently included it in their protocol with great results. In fact in parts of Peru where the drug is being used the death rate dropped significantly.
In the US, a doctor in Broward County (Dr. Rajter) has been using highly effectively. He is writing a study that is currently being peer reviewed.
We hope for the best.
[-] strongerthrulife | 2 points
Link for that study?
[-] themanof68 | 5 points
Not yet posted. A Doctor in one of my FB groups is in contact with him and says the results are excellent.
[-] strongerthrulife | 6 points
Fingers crossed
Please do post it when you know more about that study. Thanks!!!
[-] themanof68 | 2 points
I will definitely
In Peru they are using Ivermectin , the concentration is : 6mg/ml dosification : one drop per Kg of patient's weight. Situation in Peru: Local labs cannot cover the demand. Use: it is not a profilactic!!! it is used in early stages that means : sorethroat , you cannot feel the taste of food , take it. Time of recover: 3 days
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Thanks for posting this! Next time, please put (Dominican Republic, 2020-06-06) at the end of the title, per the naming convention at the top of the sub. That makes things easier to find.
This is an update of a May 8 article that this one links to.
At that time, he said more than 500 patients were treated. This article says 622 were treated with ivermectin by May 31, so maybe another 100 patients or so were treated during the remainder of the month.
This article also links to
Why the use of ivermectin in those infected with Covid-19 is questioned
"There are no randomized, controlled studies of the effective use of ivermectin in humans with COVID-19, and the dose to be administered to reach levels that would inhibit viral replication is unknown, as achieved by an Australian in vitro study," they argue.
The entity states that, to date, they are not aware of any study that supports the use of ivermectin as post-exposure prophylaxis, and therefore we do not recommend its prophylactic use.
Typical CDC-style caution -- inappropriate IMO in the midst of a pandemic.
But on the contrary, think of the Bournigal Medical Center in Puerto Plata. There, Puerto Rican doctors and researchers, led by doctors Johnny Tavares Capellán, pulmonologist, and Yudelka Merette, intensivist, have tested the findings of Australian researchers with the use of Ivermectin in patients with Covid-19, and have achieved recovery in approximately 48 hours.
These are new names, Capellán and Merette.
The information was revealed by the director of the Bournigal Medical Center in Puerto Plata, Dr. José Natalio Redondo. He explained that with the administration of the drug, people affected by Covid-19 can quickly return to their normal activities because the virus behaves like a simple flu.
"It is a drug that is produced in the Dominican Republic and much of the world, which is very cheap and supplies 80 percent of the Central American market," said the doctor in his statements published in DiarioDigitalRD.
I didn't know that ivermectin was made in the DR. Good news!
I wish this MD would formalize his results.
The president of the Rescue Group , specialized in health tourism, explained that until last May 31, the firm's three medical centers operating in the tourist cities of Puerto Plata, Punta Cana and La Romana, had handled 783 patients via emergency , of which 622 received Ivermectin , with extraordinary results.
What happened with the 161 patients who were not treated with ivermectin, for example? How were they different from those who were treated? Was their course of the disease different?
No details here, unfortunately. No doubt the usual applies: the MDs (etc) are busy treating patients, they don't need to be convinced of ivermectin's effectiveness, so they're disinclined to do the work needed for a formal study.
Unfortunately the rest of the world, e.g. the US where I live, isn't going to be convinced by "evidence" of this caliber.
Edit: Searching for Capellán turned up this article from May 15
An assured global success story
which is mostly redundant but offers this nugget:
It was used here for the first time against COVID- 19 on March 22. A man who came "practically dying". Eight hours after he was given the first dose of ivermectin, his severe symptoms disappeared. A "divine reaction" for the medical team.
There's some perception that ivermectin is most suitable in the early stages of the disease.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Here is a 2020-04-18 article about ivermectin success in Puerto Rico. It's old and pretty redundant so I didn't want to do a new sub-level post for it.
#Puerto Rican doctor achieves improvements in patients with COVID-19 when using drug Ivermectin
PUERTO PLATA.- A medical discovery that could be a panacea for the COVID-19 pandemic, has been released by a renowned Puerto Rican pulmonologist who reported satisfactory results after the application of the drug Ivermectin in patients diagnosed with coronavirus.
Dr. Jhonny Rafael Tavárez Capellán, shared his experience in the procedure applied to a significant number of positive patients with the COVID-19 virus, who show a marked improvement 72 hours after receiving treatment with Ivermectin, than an antiparasitic which according to Specula can kill the coronavirus in 48 hours.
Tavárez Capellán, who works at the Bournigal Medical Center in this Atlantic province, published his discovery in a scientific article that he shared on WhatsApp with colleagues from the Dominican Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SDNCT), which has reached specialists in other nations for which he has received numerous calls from colleagues who have identified with his experience.
He explained that the scans performed on several patients diagnosed with COVID-19 after the application of the drug Ivermectin, reflect notable improvement, both in patients who are hospitalized, as well as those who are isolated in their homes, a procedure that He has obtained hundreds of favorable and hopeful comments from doctors from different national and international specialties.
Why aren't scans used more widely?
The doctor specified that following the in vitro study carried out by Australians on Ivermectin at COVID-19, he started a clinical trial treating a significant number of patients with clinical symptoms and signs compatible with this terrible and underestimated pandemic, in addition imaging studies, such as simple chest radiography and single-phase computed tomography.
Inspired by Monash 18 hours!
He said he divided the patients for dosing purposes into two groups: those who were less than 80 kilograms in weight and those who were more than 80 kilograms in weight, he gave the first 2 tablets of Ivermectin 6 milligrams and the second he administered 3 equal tablets of the same drug and to make it more practical to administer the medications based on the weight of the patients, he administered a single dose per day to everyone, repeating it after 24 hours, without exceeding 36 milligrams.
2 * 6 = 3 days
3 * 6 = 2 days
It's a low dose: at 200mcg/kg, an 80kg patient would get 24mg = 4 * 6mg.
The renowned pulmonologist indicated that the majority of the treated patients underwent a control tomography after 72 hours and in classification 2 there was a dramatic improvement, where many of them improved after the first hours of administering the medications, until to the point that some of them stopped being symptomatic, even in that group there are four doctors under treatment and two in the second group or classification 3.
Tomography: a technique for displaying a representation of a cross section through a human body or other solid object using X-rays or ultrasound.
Looking at the lungs, I guess?
He stated that the tomograms of all the patients underwent important changes with progress towards improvement, in the same way those hospitalized in phase 3, who also improved arterial gases as well as the severity markers, as well as the CT scans of the chest and highlighted that said Trial (treatment) was carried out without being able to carry out COVID-19 tests, prior to the administration of drugs due to the low availability of the tests in national laboratories.
In the same way, he regretted that long before his trial it really constitutes an odyssey to get a test for COVID-19 in the public and private sectors due to the great demand for services and the large number of patients, he has been in dire need of Provide the clinical and imaging treatments before having a positive COVID-19 test result detected.
It states that it is a challenge to organize this experience to take laboratory samples before starting treatment and after having treated the patient at the relevant or defined time, for which reason he announces that he is in the process of verifying these results and hopes that they will act. promptly since it depends on this that thousands of Dominicans can save their lives in the face of the pandemic that continues to take thousands of lives around the world.
I love this doctor!
[-] fieldsofcoral | 5 points | Jun 07 2020 02:36:44
Good stuff
RD: 622 Covid-19 patients treated with Ivermectin with extraordinary results
Dr. José Natalio Redondo explained that symptomatic patients diagnosed with Coronavirus who have been treated in the early phase have managed to stop the progression of the disease. by News Services June 6, 2020 RD: 622 Covid-19 patients treated with Ivermectin with extraordinary results 0 SHARED SANTO DOMINGO.- The Dominican doctor José Natalio Redondo assured that all patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and treated with the antiparasitic Ivermectin before entering the severe phase of the disease, have achieved their full clinical recovery in a much shorter time. than those who do not receive that medicine.
The president of the Rescue Group , specialized in health tourism, explained that until last May 31, the firm's three medical centers operating in the tourist cities of Puerto Plata, Punta Cana and La Romana, had handled 783 patients via emergency , of which 622 received Ivermectin , with extraordinary results.
He argued that all symptomatic patients diagnosed with Coronavirus who have been treated in the early phase have managed to stop the progression of the disease, with recovery as early as in the first 48 or 72 hours. "And in the case of patients with severe symptoms, recovery has been five times more effective than those who were previously treated with other medications," he said.
Redondo, who is a member of a government-appointed scientific subcommittee for Covid-19, said that Ivermectin treatment in Dominican patients has in practice reproduced the results of an "in vitro" study conducted by Monash University in Australia, using the same product against a wide range of viruses, including HIV, dengue, influenza, Zika and coronavirus.
He indicated that this "compassionate" treatment, initially carried out in Puerto Plata, was carried out with the informed consent of the patients, with the justification of facing a new disease for which no effective treatment was known.
"The proportion of patients hospitalized in the Rescue Group facilities has suffered a drastic fall, in some cases up to 80 percent, after we started using the antiviral," revealed Dr. Redondo.
The businessman and medical professional explained that the reduction in hospitalizations has had a negative impact on the Group's finances, since patients who are admitted in the emergency with the coronavirus and receive the medication generally do not require hospitalization, which is one of the main sources of income of a health facility.
Bad news for Wall Street
However, he recognized that what could represent a great step forward in the fight against the pandemic, faces a serious problem, since the price of the medicine is only 240 pesos per patient, just under five dollars, which is not This is good news for pharmaceutical companies, let alone Wall Street, which could try to do everything possible to avoid a solution that does not generate any economic return.
He understands that the major pharmaceutical companies would probably prefer that the treatment against Covid-19 depend on products such as Remdesivir or Hydroxychloroquine that have an extremely high cost despite not having demonstrated the efficacy levels of Ivermectin.
The administration of Ivermectin in patients diagnosed with Coronavirus was initially carried out by doctors Johnny Tavares Capellán, pulmonologist, and Yudelka Merette, intensivist, from the Bournigal Medical Center, in Puerto, with the approval of the institution's Bioethics Committee, and then extended to Grupo Rescue establishments in Punta Cana and La Romana.
José Natalio, who is also president of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of the North Coast (ASHONORTE) spoke on the subject when participating as a guest of the seventh virtual conversation organized by the Dominican Association of Tourist Press (ADOMPRETUR), chaired by the journalist José María Reyes, who acted as moderator.
Dr. Persia Álvarez, expert in health certification in tourism and director of Cristal International for the Caribbean and the Dominican Republic, also participated in the meeting, where health security and health services in the tourism industry were discussed.
In addition to the national executives and general secretaries of the ADOMPRETUR subsidiaries, the panel was attended by the former Minister of Tourism, Ellis Pérez; and the president of the Iberoamerican Forum of Tourism Journalists (FIPETUR), Luis José Chávez.
Dr. Álvarez also gave her opinion on the use of Ivermectin and said that for the Dominican Republic it would be an important sanitary success and a tremendous economic saving the officialization and adoption of this antiviral in the fight against the pandemic, in addition to accelerating the normalization of activities economic and social issues of the country.
He considered that the Dominican State must overcome the strong interests that move in the powerful drug industry to reduce the lethality of the coronavirus and move towards the relaunch of tourism, the main economic activity in the country.
About Ivermectin
It is a drug that is produced in the Dominican Republic and in much of the world, which is very cheap and supplies 80 percent of the Central American market.
The results of the use of Ivermectin in the Health Centers of Grupo Rescue, which are duly documented on a case-by-case basis, have been reported to various organizations related to the health area and the corresponding evaluation is awaiting for the drug to be officially approved. as a treatment against Covid-19 in the Dominican Republic
The first scientific advances on the efficacy of Ivermectin in patients affected by Covid-19, were achieved through research led by the Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) of Monash University in Melbourne (Australia), together with the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute).
The scientific study showed in cell cultures that an antiparasitic drug, called ivermectin and available worldwide, is capable of killing the new coronavirus in 48 hours.
A safe medicine
When the research report from Monash University in Melbourne was released, it was explained that ivermectin is widely used and considered a safe drug, noting that it needed to be determined if the dose that could be used in humans was effective.
"Although the mechanism by which ivermectin works in the virus is unknown, it is likely, based on its action on other viruses, that it works to prevent the virus from 'attenuating' the ability of host cells to kill it. The use of ivermectin to combat Covid-19 will depend on the results of further preclinical tests and, ultimately, clinical trials, "the scientific report stressed. Recently, several researchers have more clearly defined the intracellular effect of Ivermectin, in the fight against the disease associated with COVID-19, also confirming its effective antiviral action.
[-] themanof68 | 4 points | Jun 07 2020 12:08:15
Thanks for the translation!!🤲🏻 👍🏻
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 07 2020 21:09:14
Although the mechanism by which ivermectin works in the virus is unknown
One theory with good supporting research is that ivermectin binds to the alpha/beta dimers that facilitate entry to the nucleus of the cell, where the covid19 virus replicates; by occupying those dimers, covid19's replication is prevented.