the_stark_reality | 3 points | Jun 04 2020 20:39:23

A mysterious company’s coronavirus papers in top medical journals may be unraveling


[-] nilaul | 1 points | Jun 06 2020 10:03:16

I think any data from surgisphere should be discarded for now, until they can back up their data set publicly. Their data is very suspect. There's always people who would look to scam people with their data, from big pharmaceuticals to everyday people.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 07 2020 21:19:59

I posted in response to this article in \r\politics, here.

TL;DR: The Lancet study that found HCQ to be dangerous is sound, but HCQ has many advocates esp. among President Trump's supporters and they attacked the study's database, which the authors cannot defend because it's private and its owner is bound by confidentiality agreements with the hundreds of hospitals that provide the data.


[-] the_stark_reality | 0 points | Jun 04 2020 20:41:22

ivermectin pre-print that showed astounding results in vivo used surgisphere. Combined with the original ivermectin in vitro study that required an orders of magnitude higher blood serum concentration than possible might be the death knell for ivermectin.


[-] elkrange | 7 points | Jun 04 2020 20:57:02

Death knell? Since the safety profile of ivermectin is decent, we can wait to see what the 18 clinical trials show. As the article notes, no need for knee-jerk reactions. Considering the interesting positive anecdotal reports from other countries, perhaps there is some irony that these controversial studies may have given rise to the trials. Let's be patient.

Besides, there's a chance that the relevant mechanism may not have been involved in the in vitro study.
