TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | May 30 2020 19:12:13

Positive use of MAIZE treatment in COVID-19 patients (2020-05-30, Honduras)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 30 2020 19:12:42

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The Undersecretary of Health, Nery Cerrato, confirmed that the use of the MAIZ treatment in patients diagnosed positive with COVID-19 is giving very positive results, which is why it is working to supply the entire hospital network.

"This treatment has been shown by real-time OCR testing to demonstrate that it is effective in treating the COVID-19 pandemic."

"From the Ministry of Health we inform the Honduran people, that sufficient acquisitions have already been made, we have been with the private company, we have already been with Social Security, we are in that good moment of medical science that offers the world treatment against COVID-19 and successfully ”, explained Cerrato.

The official recognized the work of the pioneers of the treatment, as well as the dedication of the different doctors in the elaboration of the formula that is implemented in the country.

"To the extent that we can systematically deliver the MAIZ treatment in all comprehensive health centers, we will also shorten the recovery time of patients, we will also discover that it is less time for recovery."

"And that is why we have made the forecasts, the acquisition is just going to be made, through funds that have already been identified, that the forecasts have already been made," said Cerrato.

In recent days, the health authorities have maintained a rapprochement with importers of drugs and importers of raw materials for drugs.

“Here we are going to manufacture them, meanwhile we are going to acquire more of these products. The Microdacyl that is already available, the Azithromycin that is also available, Ivermectin, which is the one with the least quantities, is what we are acquiring in greater volume and we are going to have them throughout the country ”.

"This in hopes of reducing the risk and consequently treating early all patients who have a positive PCR, or those who have symptoms and who are in the process of reporting their positive PCR," Cerrato said.

While stressing that next week, "we will have availability, distribution, gradual in all health centers."

Also working on the clinical trial of the World Health Organization (WHO), "Solidarity" with the support of various sectors, promoting the health of the Honduran people.

National pharmacists will dedicate themselves to the manufacture of the different components of the MAIZ formula, and some quantities will be received that are already available.
