fieldsofcoral | 3 points | May 28 2020 21:54:13

More info/medical testimonials from Peruvian periodical that did a piece on ivermectin last weekend (in Spanish)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | May 28 2020 22:32:13

I appreciate your posting about ivermectin, fields! Could you offer more value than just the link, though? Post the article in English when the source is in another language? Summarize the key points?

You could start with the key points of this article! :)

On Tuesday 26, President Martín Vizcarra defended the use of medications administered by the Ministry of Health to patients with coronavirus, particularly ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The use of the latter, usually associated with the fight against malaria, was criticized in recent days by the World Health Organization (WHO), which alluded to observational studies that account for an alleged cardiac risk - even fatal - in patients with severe COVID-19 picture.

Vizcarra reiterated that both drugs will continue to be part of the treatment scheme of the Ministry of Health (Minsa). "They reduce the severity of cases and it is feasible to use them early," defended the Minister of Health, Víctor Zamora.

As the months have passed, promising medications have been discovered to treat the coronavirus. Some of them are hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, remdesivir, lopinavir and ivermectin. All have been incorporated into the protocol of care for patients with Minsa coronavirus.

In the last virtual edition of CARETAS , a note was published with testimonies of patients recovered by coronavirus and the doctors who prescribed ivermectin, an antiparasitic for veterinary use that, according to the statements, has presented very favorable results. There were those in networks who criticized the article, but did not seem to have read it. Nowhere in the text is the possibility of self-medication inferred and the truth is that it is a medicine that had already been authorized and used by the public health system. In the following days, reports that appeared on TV Peru and Cuarto Poder added testimonies from other health professionals along the same lines.


One more case is that of Dr. Leslie Soto Arquiñigo, infectious medicine doctor and internist at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital who has become known in the Agenda Médica program on the public television signal. Like some of their colleagues at the hospital, they prescribe ivermectin as part of the treatment for COVID-19, after medical evaluation. “In the hospital we are managing thirteen or fourteen patients per day, from 40 to 80 years old. But some receive it and others do not. It will depend on the previous evolution ”. If the person's body works favorably, "we begin to give some drugs that are clinically working as appropriate," says Soto.

"Prescribing ivermectin requires people to show symptoms for between 48 and 72 hours. If it hasn't improved at all, that's where you have to give them the medicine, ”says Soto.

It is true that the tests done so far have been 'in vitro' and that ivermectin still does not have a 100% functional support, but Soto argues that “with the coronavirus nothing has been approved. But what has been seen with ivermectin is that it works, because after two days they are without symptoms ”.

The infectologist with 22 years of experience explains that the use of this antiparasitic is frequent in Peru. “It is for daily use and it is not a big deal. Now here they refer to this as if it had never been used. ”

He even mentions that there are three diseases in the country that are usually infected with strongyloides (a parasite that can make a hyperinfestation, which runs throughout the body and can even kill the person), which motivates them to use ivermectin. "In Peru we have a disease called HTLV-1, typical of the Peruvian Andes, which has no treatment, but it can cause this infection with strongyloids. The other is the Larva Migrans, which gets into people's skin, especially those who walk barefoot in the jungle. Also people who are going to do chronic corticosteroid therapy, people with lupus, arthritis, use a lot of corticosteroids and can also become infected with strongyloids. So we treated it with ivermectin ”, he explains.

Soto uses this medicine for patients who have or have had mites. But since the use for people with COVID-19 became known, it has treated approximately 20 people per week on an outpatient basis via video call.

“For example, if I test someone who doesn't have symptoms and they test positive, we never give them anything. Because it has no symptoms, we do not give it to you preventively, or just in case. Nothing. To those who have symptoms, we begin the medication to lower the viral load, especially for people who have risk factors. ”

When this viral load occurs and the body reacts, it is when the inflammatory stage arrives. "Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, corticosteroid do not work there, they are useless. Ivermectin could be given because there is only one stage that requires oxygen and it is advisable to give it in the mild or moderate stage, "Soto recommends.

In cases where the patient is already on oxygen “I could give him ivermectin, and I would say that something will do. But he would not expect the same effectiveness as when he was still short of breath. They are going to choose to put the fan on and in the end what we doctors do is help them so that their body takes time to overreact, which is what is happening, ”he says.

The dose that is usually applied for other diseases is the same as that used in these cases: one drop per kilo of weight for two days and if it is a pill 200 mcg per Kg. Of weight for two days. “The dose that we are administering now is known. It is not because you are more serious I give you more doses. Maybe I can give you more days, but not more doses ”, clarifies the infectologist, who considers medical evaluation essential in all cases.


The emergenciologist at Hospital III of Loreto, Jaffryt Vargas Jara, evaluates patients with COVID-19 identifying the severity of the lungs through ultrasound and the controlled application of ivermectin. She initiated this study with approximately a population of more than 300 people, aged 18 to 85, using lung ultrasound and ivermectin.

“The problem was how can I start treatment of something if I don't even know what condition the lung is in. It's like going blind, "he says. Unlike CT scans, the ultrasound system is portable and easier to apply to more patients. From the results, “I first started using ivermectin tablets. As there was not much because it was exhausted, we changed: whoever had symptoms but did not find a lung injury, so he did not require hospitalization, we put subcutaneous ivermectin and he went home. ”

Remember that around the fortnight of April the activities in the emergency centers were about to collapse due to the demand of patients infected with coronavirus. The tomographs of the hospital were not enough, the queues for the attention were endless and the equipment was not available 24 hours a day. It was there that it occurred to him to implement two ultrasound equipment in an emergency, similar to those used in the ultrasounds. One was handled by her and the other by a colleague. "Here we saw the lung injuries caused by COVID pneumonia. With this result, we applied ivermectin in specific doses ”, he indicates.

His approach is different from that of Dr. Soto. For Vargas, it is important to identify those asymptomatic people: “The fact of being a positive contact automatically also makes it probably infected. In those cases I don't expect them to have symptoms. I give them a single dose of ivermectin, that is, for two days, and I follow them up later, ”he explains.


Dr. Carlos Coral Gonzales is a medical assistant from the infectology service who works at the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital, the only hospital that is not qualified to treat patients with COVID-19. "We are a hospital that has remained as a kind of reserve to attend to patients who are not COVID-19, given that the regional hospital does have greater complexity and that of Iquitos was designated to make COVID," he maintains.

Evaluation of patients with COVID-19 identifying the severity of the lungs through ultrasound and the controlled application of ivermectin. However, this has not been an impediment for health personnel to become infected with the coronavirus. "From April 21, I began to see the management of our own health personnel and between 80% and 90% were affected and needed prompt attention," recalls the doctor.

Almost 90% of the hospital's health personnel became ill: technicians, nurses, and doctors. "50% of the staff were treated with ivermectin, as they were older adults with hypertension, a few who had diabetes and others who suffered from asthmatic problems," they recall. The youngest without symptoms were only given antibiotics for sore throats.

He prescribed more ivermectin than hydroxychloroquine, which is in line with the studies known these days. In the second case, “it produced tachycardia and ivermectin is safer. Also more accessible and even the hospital came to have an endowment that allowed us to distribute it free of charge to health personnel so that it could be dosed, ”he points out.

They were not given to all and the administration was oral. "No adverse effects were seen, the patients experienced by their testimony that after that substance in the body they felt better about their respiratory problems, which shows a favorable use," he details.


[-] fieldsofcoral | 2 points | May 28 2020 23:22:17

I'll keep it mind in the future, though part of me thinks readers should be a bit proactive about it and just translate the page themselves (takes 5 seconds on chrome). Like we're all big kids on here. But I take your sentiment.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 28 2020 23:33:18

Yes, translation is easy. So doing the work of reading the article and pulling out some highlights would add value. Are you interested in what I'm interested in? Maybe. Your insights may serve to get me and others to read the article!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | May 28 2020 23:21:48

