TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points | May 25 2020 15:33:19

Excellent chart summarizes Sermo's MDs reports about anti-covid19 drug use!/vizhome/WhatisthebestmedicinetofightCOVID-19/DRUGS


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 16:06:35

This chart updates dynamically. As I write this the most recent survey May 11-13. Hovering over the world map in the lower-right corner of the box in the upper-left corner of the chart shows that 1390 of the 4588 responses from MDs are from the US. Most of the other respondents seem to be from Western Europe.

Only about 70 of the surveyed MDs are using ivermectin. That's compared to 681 using azithromycin or similar antibiotics and 624 using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.

The MDs rate ivermectin as safe for all three categories of patients: not hospitalized, hospitalized, and ICU patients. They rate it as effective in the ICU; it is the drug with the highest rating for ICU patients. 93$ of MDs rate ivermectin as moderately effective or better.

The number of MDs using ivermectin is flat over the last month (ending May 13).

Azithromycin use falls sharply over the month from 950 to 681. Hydroxychloroquine / chloroquine falls from 884 to 624. Those two are often combined in a cocktail and early research has not been encouraging.

Remdesivir is rated as safe as ivermectin but its effectiveness ratings are just about the worst on the chart. Over the month, the number of MDs using it falls from 320 to 205.

Three drugs show use growth over the month.

Colchicine increases from zero MDs to 95, 87, then a big jump to 233. Did a big study come out boosting colchicine? Its safety rating is lower than ivermectin's. It's rating more effective only for hospitalized patients (not unhospitalized or ICU).

Methotrexate also has a big jump in week 4: 42, 65, 43, 177. Safety is high-average and effectiveness is almost the lowest on the chart.

Tocilizumab (Actemra) falls a little in us e, from 324 to 291. Safety is rated low and effectiveness is low-average.

Zinc surges: 271 - 497. It must be being applied apart from the HCQ + AZ + Zinc triumvirate because HCQ and AZ fall about a quarter over the month.


[-] asoap | 2 points | May 27 2020 23:28:54

Fascinating that anti-clotting medicine jumped in there after May 11th. I want to know more info on that after watching all of the medcram videos on the subject.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 27 2020 23:37:21

Which drug is that? I don't know about anything (a little) about iverrmectin.


[-] asoap | 2 points | May 27 2020 23:39:38

I know very little about drugs in general. I'm just a layman. He's specifically talking about the use of N-AcetylCysteine. He is not claiming it works but he's broken down exactly how it could work based upon the theory of clotting and von willebrand factor and is interested in a study on it's usage.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 27 2020 23:53:22


That's not anti-clotting medicine, is it? What is the anti-clotting medicine you mentioned?


[-] asoap | 2 points | May 28 2020 00:13:48

I didn't mention any anti-clotting medicine specifically. I did mention that group on the chart though.

My understanding of N-AcetylCysteine is that it's not specifically an anti-clotting medicine. But here is the medcram doctor explaining the theory in regards to von willebrand factor.

He talks for a while about oxidative stress, but then gets back to the point of anti-clotting.

He has more videos explaining this theory in great detail and compares it to the type of symptoms he's seeing at his hospital.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 28 2020 00:27:56

I didn't mention any anti-clotting medicine specifically.

Thanks a lot for the links! I'm Asperger-focused on ivermectin, saw his ivermectin video of course. I'll check these out, though, maybe, someday. :)


[-] asoap | 2 points | May 28 2020 00:48:32

You're welcome. I am just a lay person but I really love them. He at least explains complex things in a way I can understand them. This theory does sound really interesting as well.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 28 2020 01:00:04

He at least explains complex things in a way I can understand them.

Without talking down to his viewers. :)


[-] JezSan | 1 points | May 28 2020 10:39:28

How does Remdesivir get such a high safety score in a non-hospitalised setting? isn't it intravenous only? can you use it in a non hospitalised setting?
