TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 24 2020 01:08:40

The government of Piura, Peru delivered ivermectin to its police, mayor extolls its benefits


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 24 2020 03:06:09

The Mayor's use of asymptomatic is interesting. Does it imply that they're testing? Where it says "give them the indications", that sounds like Google's translation of testing?! Confusing, but it hints at prophylaxis: giving ivermectin to officers without the disease.

Or it's too late and my brain isn't working properly.

Or I'm too eager to see ivermectin as prophylactic. I know the last is true.

The Provincial Municipality of Piura delivered 300 doses of ivermectin One of the recommended medications to alleviate the symptoms of the coronavirus, to the agents of the State Security Unit.

“In the asymptomatic to mild stage of the disease, the use of ivermectin is having a very good result, even in severe cases it helps them to recover, and then the health doctors will give them the indications. If they come back positive, they will start treatment immediately, ”said Mayor Juan José Diaz.

The provincial authority also promised to follow up with the Ministry of the Interior on the certification or level of protection of face masks that the police officers have received for their daily service.

Juan José Díaz, recommended that the troops follow the security protocols to keep police facilities clean and disinfected and lower the viral load, doing the same in their homes to avoid contagion.

In addition, the medicine has also been donated to the merchants of the Piura Market Complex, to the markets of Veintiséis de Veintiséis de Octubre and the districts of Catacaos, La Arena.
