TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | May 23 2020 20:48:52

The city of San Ignacio de Moxos (Beni), Bolivia is distributing 15,000 doses of ivermectin to *prevent* COVID-19


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 23 2020 20:54:44

About 15,000 people will consume Ivermectin in the municipality of San Ignacio de Moxos (Beni), in order to curb cases of coronavirus. This was announced by the president of the Scientific Committee of that city, Hernán Horacio Sotomayor.

The doctor explained that the campaign will start this Saturday at 8:00 and will last until Monday or Tuesday if necessary, to cover the entire municipality. Subsequently, it will be expanded to the rest of the province.

The Committee made this decision under the ministerial resolution that included this drug in the list of essential drugs in Bolivia, in addition to experimental studies that demonstrated some efficacy not only to combat Covid-19, but also for other diseases such as influenza, Dengue and herpes zoster.

The Moxos province Health network had instructed the Scientific Committee, formed three months ago, to carry out the study of the possible use of Ivermectin for veterinary presentation, for human use.

#Directory of the Scientific Committee.

Sotomayor explained that since Beni is a department with extensive livestock activity, since it produces 40% of the beef in the country, in all provinces, livestock associations have Ivermectin and have even used it for years to combat the scabies.

I never heard of this! Really interesting!

He also cited as an example the experience of the obstetrician gynecologist at the 3 de Noviembre hospital in San Ignacio de Moxos, José Wilfredo Terrazas, who has used this medicine for 14 years, but subcutaneously, to cure scabies, especially in women who give breastfeeding, because this problem that occurs in the folds of the breasts is easily transmitted to the baby when breastfeeding.

In the campaign that will start tomorrow, Ivermectin will not be given to children under three years of age or who are less than 15 kilos, nor to women who are breastfeeding or pregnant women.

Not dosing kids under 3 or 15 kg is a mistake; ivermectin is safe for kids.

Another endorsement of horse paste!

Dr. Sotomayor explained that the only difference between Ivermectin for animal use and that for human use is the presentation and the dose. The corresponding dose will be applied to each person, according to their weight, and they should take the medicine with a little milk.

The civic Committee of San Ignacio, Fejuve, COR, the Federation of Cattlemen, the Health Network 02, the Hospital 3 de Noviembre, the Association of Merchants July 31, NGO Solidaridad Médica Bolivia, the Association of Dairymen, will participate in this campaign. the Society of Veterinarians and nursing students of the Autonomous University of Beni.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 23 2020 20:59:41

Someone should inform Dr. Sotomayor that ivermecin has been found safe for children less than a year old.

Prevalence of antibodies to Strongyloides stercoralis was measured in 0–12-year-olds using a bead-based immunoassay before and after ivermectin mass drug administration (MDA) for scabies in the Solomon Islands.
