TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | May 22 2020 19:36:52

Looking through Amazon reviews of the horse paste form of ivermectin for people who ATE the paste


[-] Freemontst | 6 points | May 23 2020 23:54:21

People have been taking it for years for rosacea and dermatitis.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 13 2020 08:16:15

Searching the rosacea sub for "horse paste".

Searching the scabies sub for "horse paste".


[-] Freemontst | 1 points | Jul 13 2020 13:17:29

Why did you send me this?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 13 2020 18:13:52

Making your point that ivermectin is being used to treat diseases. Are you offended? I'll cheerfully delete the post if it annoys you.

The dermatitus sub has almost no subscribers, like 75.


[-] Freemontst | 1 points | Jul 13 2020 19:05:05

No, I just didn't know why.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 22 2020 20:09:49

On 2020-12-09 (according to a tweet) Amazon deleted all the reviews where people write about eating horse paste. I looked a little and can't find any. HOWEVER, these links still work. The don't seem to be associated with any product anymore, though. You can't get t othe horse paste from the review.

Well was going crazy for a moment and I used on myself to get ride of worms I might of had or not had. But least my dog no longer had heart worms, CHEAPER then heart guard and paying outrageous vet prices.. Also gave a pitch or smaller to my cat and worked great too.. I took and strange things came out of my Body, so I will not no more... But if I get lice or Scabies I sure will take it. Best thing than what then white jacket goof balls wanna give ya.. Plus this really works for lice and scabies.. THANK YOU JESUS... AMEN


I unfortunately found out I had scabies and was freaked because I knew nothing about how to get rid of them. I went to to the doctor and was prescribed the permethrin cream which did nothing but cause me to itch more! finally, I went on amazon and found this product and ordered it, I was skeptical at first, but after a week I noticed my scabies going away and my skin going back to normal, after 2 weeks (2 doses) of this stuff I was cured! to use, I just ingested 1/4 of the tube once a week for 2 weeks (so half the gel) and that was it! I calculated it based on my weight so if you're around 135 that should should work fine!

Took this for Scabies cleated then right up!!!! Took two doses just to be certain ...saved me $107

I had acne as teen, was pretty clear for years and then started getting acne like cysts but only around my nose and cheeks and little bump on my eyelids in my late 30s. Self diagnosed as demodex causing rosacea. Took this orally and my skin is the clearest it’s been since I was a small child.

GREAT PRICE - GREAT PRODUCT! Was nervous at first about getting accurate dosing after watching some videos on Youtube, but this product has markings right on the plunger which made the dosing easy. I just put my thumb nail on the correct mark and put a little pressure on the plunger. Very easy and clean.

I am very happy with this product. I ve spent thousands of dollars on holistic measures to cure: Lyme, Morgellons, etc. In any event, this really helps. I take just a half a finger nail. Next couple of days expels black specks in bath. The best part is the price. Also, I don't over use product. In other words, I use one/twice a month. Please keep in mind, I am petite. So if your larger than do what feels right for body type and weight. But please, start slow. Also, heads up if you have kids, pets, partner, in the house w/you keep your distance. Also, if you want rapid results: Use Paste, then smooth coconut oil over body.

For humans with scabies: don't be scared to try this, and remember it will seem to get worse before it gets better. It's normal after using this to have new sores and dry crinkly feeling eyes. It will go away! The following is from Oral ivermectin (200µg/kg/dose) should be taken with food. Depending on infection severity, ivermectin should be taken in three doses (approximately days 1, 2, and 8), five doses (approximately days 1, 2, 8, 9, and 15), or seven doses (approximately days 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 22, and 29). End of quote. The dose looks like about the size of toothpaste you put on a toothbrush. Swallow it like a pill and wash it down. Eat a fatty meal with it because this helps your liver process it. Good luck!

What I like most about this product is that it killed the infestation (scabies, there I said it). The price was far more reasoreasonable than what a doctor would prescribe and easily obtainable. Ofcoarse, I do not recommend any one do what I have done. I did some research first and learned how to properly dose oneself. I have not experienced this but they say if you take too much there are some side effects. But they go away given enough time. Again, I wouldn't recommend anyone taking this unless you have done some research on ivermectin treatment for scabies. You may learn a fun fact like horse and human livers can digest ivermectin but cats cannot.

Used it on myself, I am not a horse. The flavor was not terrible.

This does work for scabies. Do not overdose and do not take it every day for weeks though. Those advising this really don't know what they're doing unfortunately. That is not only a waste but potentially dangerous and does not make it any more effective. Take it every five days, at the approximate dose for weight, for about three weeks. It also works in killing bed bugs, but for that, do use it in combination with diatomaceous earth and ecoraider spray (used once every ten days for about three to four weeks).

Men this save my life, I was getting eating alive by my dog fleas but I had a few small amounts of this dewormer and my life came back to normal

Works for humans, too!

Only thing that got my scabies infestation to a reasonable level. I love with 2 scabies deniers and sleep with another when I give up on life because scabies is ruining it.

Reviews of same product in different packaging

Whoops, no reviews! Amazon says there are 446 ratings, but NO REVIEWS ARE AVAILABLE. Why? Bug? If it's because there were too many "I ate this reviews" then why weren't the ones above deleted?


[-] foggynotion | 2 points | May 26 2020 02:02:26

Few weeks ago I told my doctor I was exposed to scabies and allergic to the cream, they prescribed it that day over email and got 10 pills. I think it's still flying under the radar enough doctors wont think people would use it off label


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 20:09:15

Human consumption of this product must have gotten some buzz on Facebook or something. The first couple pages of reviews are mostly by people who ate the stuff. Paging through the reviews, human consumption reviews eventually drop off to zero.

Approximately $8,000 or more later out of pocket expenses (NOT including ER visits, which we basically are refusing to pay because the ER Doctors at South Bend Memorial don't care and know nothing about scabies...we discovered), I read here on Amazon of other individuals who had success treating their scabies and we finally had reached the point of resorting to ordering it, as no doctor would prescribe the human form of Ivermectin - EVEN UPON REQUEST. I can tell you that I sincerely thank those individuals that spoke of their success on Amazon. Within just days after use - my husband and I chose to do the 250 lb dosage each day (our actual weights are approximately him at 165 and myself at 110), the scabies were GONE for good just 5 days.

I got a TERRIBLE case of Norwegian Crusted Scabies from a patient at work. At any rate, the permethrin cream I did twice didn't work because they had gone onto my head. I insisted on getting ivermectin. I took two doses, but I think it either wasn't enough or I reinfected myself. Either way, I got this stuff and it finally did the trick.

Yes humans can safely use this product.

Medical professional here who refused to pay the ridiculous medication prices for a recent exposure to scabies. While my symptoms were still mild I followed the weight guidelines exactly for this product and bought promethrin solution also through Amazon . I followed dilution and application directions exactly. After both doses, 7 days apart I had no new itching, no further skin damage. After two weeks all symptoms were gone.

we found out that its sandworm that people get from beach. I called so many doctors they had no idea how to treat it. I even took him to urgent care , nothing. It was so worried. I started searching online until I found this product, reading the reviews and looking on what’s in it. So my husband took 320 dosage of this for 3 days, guess what, the warm is dead and its disappearing. I really recommend it to anyone with sandworm worked for my husband. Very happy

This sounds crazy, because I know this is meant for horses, but I took this myself after reading several web posts saying this works on scabies. When I ordered this I was desperate! Sure I probably should have gone to the Dr. and gotten a real prescription, but the Dr. is expensive and they would have charged me for both a visit and the medication, and maybe prolonged the visits even.

I took this in the morning, 250 dose (1 click) for 2 days, then skipped a day, then 3 days, skipped a day, then finished it out. The reason for this is that you will pick up more scabies Within the first day the itching had gone.

I can tell you that this does not taste like apples. It smells like apples, but it tastes like Vaseline. I took water after to wash it down. But I was so darn itchy the stuff could have tasted like manure and I would have probably still taken it.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 20:12:05

Only 18 reviews in the first 10 or so pages of reviews are by people who ATE the horse paste. I expected a lot more, based on the first couple pages, but the "I ate this" reviews dropped of quickly.


[-] digitalmofo | 1 points | May 22 2020 23:05:30

What happened to the guy that was self-medicating in this sub? I don't see his posts anymore.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 22 2020 23:32:35

He didn't post for several days. I messaged him, no response. Then he deleted his post! Mysterious and disappointing. I hope he's doing well.


[-] digitalmofo | 2 points | May 23 2020 05:44:49

Me too.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 28 2020 16:19:00

Adding more Amazon reviews by people who at the Durvet horse paste form of ivermectin. Reviews came from here.

IT WORKS! Doesn't taste that great, but it is effective... 2020-09-30

I cannot mention the name of illness, but yes, it did work for that. You should feel much better 48 hours after taking first dose. We did the calculations and since our body weight was 170 pounds, we took 25% of the contents of one syringe. We did this every 12 hours for 2 days along with vitamin D, C, Zinc and quercetin. It was 80% gone in 2 days. I highly recommend anyone who is thinking about using anything mentioned in this review to do your own research before using them. There are doctors on YouTube who have done videos on every item in this review. I highly recommend watching them.

Pretty obvious that the unmentionable illness is covid-19. I wonder if Amazon deletes a review that mentions using the horse paste vs covid-19.

Comparable to prescription 2020-08-23

I had a prescription for Ivermectin for 3times the amount of money and this works just as well

If you are a human with scabies, READ THIS 2020-10-15

I am a 46 year old female who had scabies and my 44 year old husband was infected also. After approximately 5 LONG, excruciating months of 2 ER visits, 3 MedPoint visits (the initial MedPoint visit resulted in an inaccurate diagnosis of a skin dermatitis along with an outlandish expensive prescription of steroid cream that horrifically accelerated the scabies - putting scabies on steroids is REALLY not good), multiple Doctor prescribed permethrin applications. . . . which did nothing. . . we then resorted to sulfur dips, wrapping our bodies in Saran Wrap after a bleach bath, peroxide application, rubbing alcohol application, and application of a mixture of grapeseed oil, clove EO, lemongrass EO, tea tree EO, neem oil, 10% permethrin insecticide. We covered our furniture and home with DE. We treated our 2 cats for scabies (which included months of boarding them so we would not have to give them up, as we had read so many instances of re-infection caused by pets). We were spraying our bodies with Lysol disinfectant at the sight of a track formation. We were bathing with a mixture of Kleen Green, the same essential oils mentioned previously mixed with expensive anti-fungal body wash. We were using neem soap religiously, ingesting neem oil and neem supplements, taking immune system boosting supplements. . . Approximately $8, 000 or more later out of pocket expenses (NOT including ER visits, which we basically are refusing to pay because the ER Doctors at South Bend Memorial don't care and know nothing about scabies. . . we discovered), I read here on Amazon of other individuals who had success treating their scabies and we finally had reached the point of resorting to ordering it, as no doctor would prescribe the human form of Ivermectin - EVEN UPON REQUEST. I can tell you that I sincerely thank those individuals that spoke of their success on Amazon. Within just days after use - my husband and I chose to do the 250 lb dosage each day (our actual weights are approximately him at 165 and myself at 110), the scabies were GONE for good just 5 days or less later and we had stopped all the crazed freezing of our keys, wallets, jewelry, etc. . each night along with the meticulous Lysol spraying of anything we touched, the rubbing alcohol and bleach spraying of daily changed fresh bedsheets.

So, to close this review off. . . If you have scabies, do nothing else but order this inexpensive product and get your sanity and life back as fast as humanly possible within just days with this inexpensive, quick to receive product. Side effects: NONE, except actually finally getting rid of scabies.

Weird that I didn't find this one (above) during my previous search?!

Works for rosacea! 2020-07-25

Used it as a cream, not taken orally

The one and ONLY thing that cured my rosacea!!!! I had symptoms that included redness, itching and hot burning sensation on my facial cheeks (my right cheek predominantly). After trying many many things I joined a Facebook group for rosacea where I learned of this. Tried it and within weeks it was GONE. I noticed after several months some symptoms returned... I reapplied this gel for a few days and then again it was gone! Bought this a year ago in August and ready for my second purchase now. It smells like apple and has a gel or jelly consistency but not overly sticky (doesn't leave your face sticky). I know it's not recommended for human use but from personal experience with rosacea (which is an abundance of microscopic facial bugs that everyone has!) This stuff works!

Sandworm 2018-11-20

I and my husband went to Jamaica on September for vacation, when we came back my husband foot was itching so bad , we thought it might be foot fungus or something, I took him to the doctor and he told him that it’s Athletic foot, so he advised to use the over the counter powder for it. After a month passed and there was no changes except it was getting worse, then we realized that there is warm shape line under his skin, one day its on bottom on his foot and next day its on top or on his toes, then after googling it , we found out that its sandworm that people get from beach. I called so many doctors they had no idea how to treat it. I even took him to urgent care , nothing. It was so worried. I started searching online until I found this product, reading the reviews and looking on what’s in it. So my husband took 320 dosage of this for 3 days, guess what, the warm is dead and its disappearing. I really recommend it to anyone with sandworm worked for my husband. Very happy

We do NOT own a horse. 2020-10-06

Same drug is used as an anti-parasite med in HUMANS! Am told the active ingredient, ivermectin, all comes from the SAME drug manufacturing facilities. No "veterinary manufacturers." Ivermectin is an EFFECTIVE, FAST, SAFE treatment for COVID. Ivermectin Equine Paste is a dosing system designed to treat up to a 1250 lb. horse at a dosage of 91 mcg./lb. of body weight. Popular dose worldwide for humans is 61mcg./lb. of body weight... This is taken as one large one time or 2 half doses on consecutive days From a plastic spoon it has very little taste. Take it 1 hour before eating. Require a zinc supplement (OptiZinc) twice a day for 10 days. Usually given with 200mg. of doxycycline twice daily for 5-7 days. (See API FIN & BODY CURE <Note: This is 250mg. per packet. =Close enough... ) IVERMECTIN IS A LIFE SAVER!!! Patients removed from ventilators because they are TERMINAL, become STABLE within 24 hours of first dose of Ivermectin. WELL in a week or less. Funny thing, third world countries have patients CURED. =GOOGLE IT!!! Meanwhile, in the "Most advanced country in the world," our FDA/CDC does not permit real CURES. Doctors who do not toe the party line on this can/do lose their licenses courtesy of the FDA's influence. Hmmm... (Wonder if a few drug companies/vaccine manufacturers know how to shovel the payola to FDA officials?) Instead, FDA is holding out for EXPENSIVE vaccines that so far test as less than 60% effective. If you know of any potential 'sick horses,' this is worthwhile information. CHEAP insurance to have around, just in case. Once there is an infection, it's too late to place an Amazon order. Be NICE to all your 'horsey friends!'

Sounds like someone following ivermectin on twitter. Not clear if the person actually used it. 61mcg/lb is wrong; 91mcg/lb corresponds to 200mcg/kg. Zinc is not required; AFAIK it's never been trialed.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 28 2020 17:07:45

Another post, because of the 10,000 character limit.

Buggers be gone! 2020-09-08

Product works! This product is a lifesaver for many mammals when taken internally (research regarding dogs: certain dog breeds must not take due to genetic defect.) If you have Lyme Disease, babesia, or EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) do some research on and other studies. If body is suspected to be overburdened with pathogens then it's suggested micro dosing over a span of time, then taking two weeks off, then another span is best rather than one or two large does as dieoff reactions can overwhelm the detox organs in mammals.

Searching pubmed for "lyme ivermectin" turns up 6 studies. One found that giving humans ivermectin did not significantly reduce tick attachment or tick mortality (though the not-significant tendency favored ivermectin). I gather that ivermectin is not for treating Lyme.

Very useful. 2020-10-19

I am not intending to give medical advice, but this helped. Be aware that if you take medication or have liver issues many sites say to be extra careful. Nor will taking more than weight allowance be better.

This will not instantly cure scabies and there is a risk of an allergic reaction so may be wise to try a very small sample dose.

And this is not, in my opinion better than treatment from a qualified medical expert. Sadly a good one is either rare or expensive, or both. So I turned to this and am very grateful for it.

This will not solve all of your problems. You still have to spray bug killer, sterilize surfaces, use, and isolate or toss contaminated clothes and breeding, but it did murder the creepy crawlers biting me.

Tastes like Vaseline but smells like apple. Still palatable.

Some people even recommend to also mix this with lotion topical cream.

Is the liver really a problem? I tend to skip past negative stuff about ivermectin.

It worked ! 2020-08-12

I used it as a cheap treatment for scabies. As I read thoroughly in Amazon, people who used it, gave it a TRY and it worked Amazingly !! No bad odor or Nasty taste.Read everything A-Z , and begin with a little amount. Thanks to amazon! !

The World Health Organization recommends this for human parasite treatment. 2016-06-08

This stuff works great. The human dose is 0. 2 mg or 0. 4 mg which is equivalent to 200 or 400 micrograms. In short, follow the weight recommendation on the tube and you will be fine.

This drug is on the world health organization list of top necessary drugs along with febendazole for treating roundworms or stronglyoidisis in humans but my GP is an idiot that would not consider the diagnosis since my family hadn't left the country except to travel to Canada in years.

To treat strongliods, the WHO recommends 200 micrograms/kilogram for two weeks taken along with Fenbendazole 400mg twice a day for the first seven days. Then redose at 4 weeks. Fenbendazole is available in this department as Safeguard.

I am not a physician. I am a Mom.

Scabies killer. 2020-06-19

This will absolutely get rid of scabies. The hardest part is not getting reinfected by your surroundings. My wife and I took this without any noticeable side effects. It's clear that this stuff is not good for humans though, so do use caution.
