TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | May 22 2020 04:30:56

The Monash 48 hours team in Australia are starting a pre-clinical dosage study


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 22 2020 04:31:02

This next crucial phase will allow for extensive work to be done in the laboratory around safe and effective dosage optimisation. If the pre-clinical laboratory-based trials are successful, Helmsley will immediately fund patient trials.


[-] gooseyjuicy9 | 1 points | May 22 2020 06:08:11

This will be really good if it doesn't take too long for a result- this group are the only ones who bothered to get their corona work peer reviewed- composure and rigour in a time of crisis is a rarity. I will watch this space with interest....
