TrumpLyftAlles | 5 points
This hospital in Brazil has started treating with ivermectin AND it is making OPT OUT a big challenge[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
The cooperative started since last Tuesday, [May] 19, the protocol for supplying the medicines chloroquine and ivermectin to its beneficiaries. To remove the medication, the client or a representative authorized by him needs to present: medical prescription of special control, consent form signed by the patient, Unimed Fortaleza card and an official document with photo, all of the beneficiary.
Unimed Fortaleza is a health plan; HRU where this is taking place is one of UF's hospitals (I'm guessing UF has more than 1).
Here is a May 15 article about Unimed Fortaleza's plan to use ivermectin.
Unimed Fortaleza has established a protocol for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. The cooperative will use
“We bought 15 thousand treatments of chloroquine and 15 thousand ivermectin. We are trying to buy 15,000 azithromycin treatments. We have defined a very clear protocol and we will disclose this to our doctors and our patients who have a prescription from a chloroquine and ivermectin professional will be able to receive treatment per patient. We will probably deliver from Tuesday (19), but the date will depend on the delivery time ”, highlights the president of Unimed Fortaleza, Elias Leite.
"What is more important: the doctor will receive our protocol, but he will be free to use it in the way he finds most convenient", he explains.
Oddly a search of the Unimed Fortaleza web site for ivermectin turns up NO HITS. Where is this protocol?
15,000 doesn't seem like a lot -- but the hospital only has ~550 covid19 patients, so I guess it's plenty!
[-] JSanchezDorta | 1 points
I am a big fan of Ivermectin, and I still don't think it is good to make OPT OUT a challenge. But I had bought some of this on March 25th, to kill parasites and reboot my immune system. And then I got to studying it. I got the cattle version, since I knew its effects on my cows, as I used to have a dairy farm in Bolivia and had heard people there actually take it without a problem. Since I was a little scared, though, I really got to studying it and discovered there were studies indicating back then that Ivermectin had an effect on flavivirus (inhibiting its replication), and I saw that that was similar to something called a picornavirus, and that was related to a coronavirus, and they were all RNA viruses. Also, I figured this wasn't hitting hard in Africa, where they give this to 300 Million people for free every year. So, when my best friend from college mocked me (he graduated from Harvard Medical School and is a top liver transplant surgeon) I sent an email to 17 virologists at a lab in Milan on March 31. I had found them from a paper I saw on Ivermectin and Zikavirus. Never heard from them (they were on quarantine), but on April 3rd a study came out from an Australian scientist (who I later found out was connected to the Lab in Milan) saying that Ivermectin killed COVID-19 in vitro in 2 days. So, you do the math. I think my evil plan worked, because I knew no one was going to listen to me that this worked. And, now, that Ivermectin is helping save literally thousands of lives throughout South America. I also send an email on April 2nd, before the study in Australia came out to 80 former classmates at Harvard and got attacked via email (sent to another friend in common) by a classmate. I thought that was strange but later discovered her husband owns a lab looking for a cure/vaccine to COVID-19. Last year he sold his cancer company for $200 Million.
So, I believe that there is a lot of money behind this, muddying the waters, and I have been fighting these guys so hard, via YouTube, Facebook (my YouTube posts get taken down, or are not permitted to be shared, or the volume is missing, and my Facebook page got taken down). So I am a very big fan of Ivermectin, and put a lot of energy into it (to little or no success, except I believe from that email to the 17 virologists) but I am not a big fan of making someone take a drug if they don't want to. Informed Consent yes, not forcing it down someone's throat.
[-] Gotanno | 2 points | May 22 2020 01:05:52
Fortaleza is being absolutely massacred by Covid 19 and these are desperate times for sure. I hope the results are good... God speed.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 05:41:28
Do you know what HRU stands for? I'd like to google for their protocol but don't know the actual name of the hospital!
[-] Gotanno | 2 points | May 22 2020 10:34:24
HRU= Hospital Regional Unimed. It's the hospital name...
I also couldn't find the protocol but I've asked a doctor friend if he could help; I'll let you know when I know more.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 11:01:26
Excellent! Thanks so much for your help! Someone who knows people! :)