TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 14 2020 18:02:05

Grupo Rescue bets on Ivermectin to combat COVID-19 (Dominican Republic)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 14 2020 18:11:03

First I've heard of drug interactions?!

[Goes and looks for some]

No interactions found in a brief search. Well, some maybe. See

He warns that although it is a medicine with very few adverse effects, it is recommended not to self-medicate the product, because it can cross react with other drugs.

The Bournigal Medical Center, Punta Cana Medical Center and Canela Clinic, members of the Rescue Group, reported that they have the most effective treatment, to date, for the early management and recovery of COVID-19.

The president of the Rescue Group, José Natalio Redondo, stated: "We believe that we have probably found an effective solution to the health situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic," referring to the treatment based on ivermctin that is being used in the health centers members of the national medical network, Grupo Rescue.

He stressed that it is a medicine recognized, for more than 30 years, for its efficacy as an antiparasitic, which has shown the ability to stop the growth of the viral load associated with COVID-19.

"The origin of its use in patients with the disease caused by the coronavirus was a report of an" in-vitro "study by a group of doctors from Australia, who clearly demonstrated in the laboratory that ivermctin was capable of" stopping "the virus replication in less than 48 hours ”, explained Redondo.

Given this finding, the medical department of the Bournigal Medical Center requested and received urgent authorization from the Ethics Committee, for the "compassionate" use in hospitalized patients with severe pneumonia, who at that time were not being medicated for any specific product for their use. affliction, since in the market there was a total shortage of Hydroxychloroquine, which was recommended for use by the Ministry of Public Health.

Dr. Redondo also reported that the preliminary observational results of this therapy show a response similar to that found in the Australian laboratory, since the patients who have received the treatment recover in the first 24 to 48 hours, the vast majority of them. and none has progressed to the phase of gravity and assistance with an invasive mechanical ventilator, where the mortality rate is very high.

"In our clinics, patients suffering from this virus are cared for in a special isolation area enabled, they have trained medical personnel, appropriate medications, in this case, ivermctin-based treatment and the equipment necessary for effective assistance. managed under strict biosecurity measures, ”said cardiologist Redondo.

Dr. Redondo highlighted the key points to be able to safely recommend, even compassionately in the crisis, the medicine and the reasons for the success they have found with ivermctin: first, the experience of having treated more than 500 patients with the disease, together with the very positive response that demonstrates its effectiveness in stopping the clinical picture and achieving its cure in a short time, thus preventing it from progressing to severe respiratory failure and death.

Another achievement in the use of ivermctin, highlighted by the doctor, is that the duration of hospitalization of patients has been reduced to half that seen with other therapeutic schemes; and finally, the reduction of the time of normalization (negativization) of the PCR Test in the cases treated with ivermctin, in relation to other drugs.

The treatment scheme used, only under medical indication, includes a dose of 200mcg x kg of weight, in two doses separated by 24 hours. Although it is a noble medicine, with very few adverse effects, it is recommended not to self-medicate the product, because it can cross-react with other medicines, or mask other types of viral infections.

"The commitment of our health centers is to present viable and reliable solutions to our patients, in order to guarantee the necessary care, following the protocols and measures in place in the face of this Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic," said the Rescue Group, through a press release.


[-] kunkr | 1 points | May 14 2020 19:13:16

Again, great news, hopefully we see quick positive results from this smart decision.
