TrumpLyftAlles | 9 points | May 12 2020 22:48:01

Handy research study summaries for posting to twitter, etc.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 29 2020 10:14:08

IMO it makes an incredibly strong (IMO) case for ivermectin.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower overall, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


New link (since the SSRN link no longer works):

The above might not be visible to others? This is:

Three of the four authors are the same as those who the Lancet article Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis. The methodology is similar.

FYI, there are 16 registered ivermectin trials at and 2 more trials at the EU equivalent, plus a handful of unregistered trials.

If you're interested in ivermectin, you will articles in these subreddits (see the searches at the end):

/r/covid19 has the highest standard for science.

/r/coronavirus is less strict, stlll requires good sources.

/r/ivermectin posts have to be about ivermectin, no other standard appiled.

For conveniently searching the rigorous subs for ivermectin:

Reddit search /r/covid19 for ivermectin, newest first.

Reddit search /r/coronavirus for ivermectin, newest first.

Please forgive me if this post is inappropriate. I'm an ivermectin enthusiast and get carried away sometimes.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | May 29 2020 10:45:28

Occam's Razor:

1) A team of respected researchers, one of whom occupies a chair at Harvard, published an ivermectin study as cover so later they could publish against HCQ so Gilead makes more money.

2) The researchers looked at the data and reported what they found.

LOL. Post when reddit lets me post again:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 12 2020 22:49:01

Old news (4/3) and barely meaningful (in vitro).

This makes an incredibly strong (IMO) case for ivermectin.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower over, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 13 2020 00:00:37

There are 9 trials of ivermectin registered at


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 13 2020 02:25:30

This blogger may be a great guy but he's a novice w.r.t. ivermectin. His initial blog post said there was only 1 registered study of ivermentin. There were 9. It's really easy to look up on ClinicalTrials. He didn't have time, I guess.

Now there are 10.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 13 2020 02:51:12

The jury is still out about chloroquine and hydrochloroquine.

There are 62 on-going studies registered at ClinicalTrials and that's not all of them out there in the world.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 13 2020 09:26:14

This 4/19 study makes a much stronger (IMO) case for ivermectin.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower overall, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 15 2020 20:36:41

If you're talking about ivermectin, it is arguably proven to be the safest drug there is, billions of doses taken by millions of people and only 2 deaths recorded, both people with other issues.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 15 2020 22:05:10

There are 22 vitamin D studies discussed on reddit's COVID-19 sub. Smart people hang out there, scientists and doctors among others, so the comments on studies are good.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 15 2020 22:05:52

Update this as more studies are posted!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 15 2020 22:27:58

Old news (3/3). It's only value is helping get 15+ ivermectin trials underway.

This has amazing results.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower over, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 15 2020 22:34:28

Ivermectin proved to be a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 16 2020 20:40:39

And yet doctors all over the world are having success with the usual dose of ivermectin, anecdotally, and scientists thought little enough of the "dose too high!" inference from the Monash study to start 12+ clinical trials. Projecting from in vitro is bad science.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 17 2020 01:32:36

I bet if you ate the horse paste, your scabies would go away -- like the experience of 9 people who ate horse paste ivermectin to treat their scabies as they commented on the first two pages of Amazon 5-star reviews for this product.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 17 2020 01:40:11

As discussed here on reddit, I believe that is it easily argued that ivermectin has the best safety record of any drug in history. Two studies cited, a response to the bogus "but the dose it too high" critique.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 18 2020 11:18:38

Good news for an ivermectin fan like me, but like Miami and the Dominican Republic, this is anecdotal, not the standard of research that will drive public policy.

12+ ivermectin trials are underway, 10 listed here.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 20 2020 02:02:42

The Monash study.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 21 2020 02:34:32

I don't believe this story. 60 is too round a number. 100% is suspect. 57/62 would be more credible. I don't think Dr. Aram collected any data. He tried one treatment with no control. It could be that 57/62 would have recovered with no medication. This anecdote is not science.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 21 2020 02:59:45

A near-useless study that has been used to attack ivermectin. "Concentration too high!"

THIS is a good study.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower over.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 21 2020 10:52:33

Miami / Broward

5 weeks later there's still no scientific paper. I doubt there ever will be. He treats all his patients with ivermectin, hydroxychloraquine, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate. What is he going to report? He needs something to contrast. "X - 82%, Y - 61%, X Y". He only has X.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 00:13:24

Regarding Miami/Broward:

5 weeks later there's still no scientific paper. I doubt there ever will be. He treats all his patients with ivermectin, hydroxychloraquine, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate. What is he going to report? He needs something to contrast. "X - 82%, Y - 61%, X Y". He only has X.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 02:01:25

Ivermectin IS a antiviral, as evidenced by the 59 studies returned when you search for "ivermectin antiviral" on PubMed.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 19:06:11

There are 14 registered ivermectin trials at and 2 more trials at the EU equivalent, plus a handful of unregistered trials.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 19:19:06

If you read the first couple pages of 5-star reviews of the horse paste form of ivermectin on Amazon you'll see about a dozen where people report good results from eating the drug.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 21:49:18

Re the Lancet letters attacking Monash 48 hours:

IMO it's suspicious that the two researchers who wrote the letters attacking the study have over 400 hundred publications between them, over 50/60 years, AND NEITHER ONE EVER PUBLISHED A LETTER BEFORE.

Why now? Did a pharma call them?

I would like you to do us a favor.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 21:57:21

Regarding safety of eating horse paste.

Here are all of the stories of people harmed by ingesting horse ivermectin as described in the article.


18 people reported eating it in their review of the product on Amazon successfully.

Arguably ivermectin is the safest drug in the world.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 22 2020 22:40:35


Not according to what I've read. Here's my study, show me yours please.

IMO, ivermectin is arguably the safest drug known to human kind: 7+ billion doses to a billion people, maybe 3 deaths because of comorbidities.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 23 2020 20:44:04

In response to Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Escalating High Doses of Ivermectin in Healthy Adult Subjects

for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose of 200 microg/kg

This fits on twitter.

200 mcg * 10 = 2000 mcg 2000 mcg / kg = 907 mcg / pound = .907 mc / pound .907 mc / pound * 220 pounds = 200 mc

(shit, now you know how much I weigh)

Unfortunately, the biggest dose being trialed is 600 mcg/kg. Some are dosing as little a 3mc. :(


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 23 2020 21:02:14

Ivermectin is safe for kids under 12 (and presumably older kids!).

Prevalence of antibodies to Strongyloides stercoralis was measured in 0–12-year-olds ... before and after ivermectin mass drug administration (MDA) for scabies in the Solomon Islands.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 24 2020 04:40:05

Ivermectin works against covid19 by binding a couple import proteins that the virus would otherwise use to enter the cell's nucleus and replicate.

The excellent MedCram guy, Dr. Roger Seheult, explains the mechanism here:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 04:42:46

Ivermectina ivermectin ivermectine


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 16:25:56



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 16:42:50

While we wait for the Broward study, this 4/19 study makes a very strong (IMO) case for ivermectin.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower overall, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 17:10:40

Ivermectin is arguably the safest drug in existence. Literally 100s of millions per year have taken it annually to fight parasitic diseases. Safety study identifies possible 3 fatalities over that time. It's MUCH safer than aspirin and penicillin, which kill 1000(s) every year.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 17:20:50

Here is a new study that undercuts the "Concentration too high!" argument.

Finally, we show for the first time that ivermectin can limit infection by the DENV-related West Nile virus at low (μM) concentrations.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 25 2020 23:29:23

Ivermectin is also an antiviral, as evidenced by 54 studies returned by a search for "ivermectin antiviral" on PubMed.

Ivermectin binds with two importin proteins that enable RNA entering the nucleus; that prevents covid from entering and replicating.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 26 2020 23:52:01

The Monash study came out on 4/3. It's only value was getting about 20 ivermectin trials underway. It's mostly used to attack ivermectin because it suggests that the concentration needed to kill covid19 is too high for humans.

The people doing the 20 trials think that's BS.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 26 2020 23:56:05

What's astounding is that a ton of NewsMax readers get excited about a news story with very few facts:

We need to see the study!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 28 2020 09:11:50

It seems the reviewers were desperate to undermine the credibility of this article, and "not apparent" was the best critique they could muster. The sample size was excellent. The experimental and control groups were well-matched. The results were amazing. So: we'll question data.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 28 2020 20:13:52

Searching for ivermectin on reddit.

/r/covid19 has the highest standard for science.

/r/coronavirus is less strict, stlll requires good sources.

/r/ivermectin posts have to be about ivermectin, no other standard appiled.

NB: NONE of these subreddits tolerate politics. Please take that elsewhere.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 29 2020 02:29:38

An April 6 version of the study that only looks at patients on ventilators


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 29 2020 09:25:12

Are the authors the same on the Lancet HQC paper and the Usefulness paper?

Not quite. Doctors Mehra, Desai and Patel are on both papers; Dr. Ruschitzka is only on the HQC paper and Dr. Grainer is only on the Usefulness paper.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 29 2020 09:27:44

There are 16 ivermectin vs covid19 trials at ClinicalTrials:

And 2 more at the EU equivalent:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 29 2020 23:59:22

Permalink to my response to Chaccour's latest:

Permalink to my aside about the weakness and untimeliness of Chaccour's trial:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 31 2020 00:40:51

MO Chaccour's "Flawed" article is badly flawed. I assembled my tweets on the subject here.

His criticism of Usefulness of Ivermectin is weak. His assessment of the risk posed by treating with ivermectin is weaker. IMO.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | May 31 2020 04:22:52

When someone says ivermectin is not an antiviral:

PubMed returns 59 results when you search for "ivermectin antiviral"

including this one about ivermectin vs the dengue fever virus:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 10 2020 16:33:55

Re Broward County:

Here is the preprint:

I wrote it up (adding some context and supporting evidence) here.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 15 2020 06:44:53

Ivermectin is safe for everyone including young children.

Of 170 infants and children weighing < 15 kg who were treated for scabies with oral ivermectin, there were only seven reported mild adverse events and no serious ones.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 15 2020 22:41:13

Are you concerned about safety? If so, read some/all of these:

A couple really solid formal studies of ivermectin safety (ignore the guy making the "concentration too high" argument, it's nonsense).

This is a guy who self-doses the horse paste to treat his scabies. There's a link to his video about how to measure out the horse paste.

Here are 18 reviews on Amazon by people who ate the horse paste safely and effectively.

It is not a scientifically valid idea, or perhaps my google fu falls short and I just can't find the articles -- but arguably ivermection is the safest drug known. Literally billions of doses have been taken by billions of people (I've read as high as 3.7 billion, no source for that though) over decades. It's safe.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 15 2020 23:02:35

Until the recent Broward County report, the only real research about ivermectin vs COVID-19 was (1) the Monash 48 hours study and (2) Patel et al's Usefulness of Ivermectin in COVID-19 Illness study that used to be posted to SSRN but has been taken down.

If you want to read it, I've put Usefulness back on the web. It's available here:

Let's not get into the whole Lancent HCQ "scandal", please (which shared 3 authors with Usefulness). Let's keep this forum about ivermectin.

If you are not familiar with Usefulness, IMO it makes an incredibly strong (IMO) case for ivermectin.

Comparing 704 patients who took ivermectin to 704 who didn't, fatalities were 83% lower overall, 65% lower for ventilator patients (severe disease).


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 16 2020 21:20:23

There is literally not one report of any person ingesting horse paste ivermectin and having a problem. I've looked hard. Zero.

However, here are 16 Amazon reviewers who ate it without a problem.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 17 2020 18:36:49

The main premise of this article, that Peru, Bolivia and a Brazil town adopted ivermectin because of the supposedly-flawed Surgisphere study is fiction. The author provides ZERO evidence of that.

It says The Scientist and The Guardian reported about Surgisphere for years. FALSE.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 17 2020 18:46:30

Re ivermectin only in early stages:

Ivermectin is useful at ALL stages of the disease. Front-line Dr. Aguirre (Peru MD) offers this protocol.

========= Second tweet ========

@jjchamie 's excellent chart of Sermo data also shows that ~70 MDs using ivermectin find IVM useful in the ICU: 57% say Extremely or Very Effective, 36% Moderately effective -- IN THE ICU.!/vizhome/WhatisthebestmedicinetofightCOVID-19/DRUGS

======== Third tweet =========

The recent report out of Broward County, Florida, US showed fatalities reduced 52% among the most severely-ill patients, using a cocktail of ivermectin + other drugs.

My write-up here:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 17 2020 19:27:50

AGAIN, @Liberteur, why post a PITA PDF link instead of the ClinicalTrials link, which has the same info?

Also, why do you tout this trial, which is arguably the least valuable since only 12 subjects will get ivermectin?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 17 2020 21:50:01

Plugging 57kg and 200mcg/kg (the traditional dose that the FDA recommends for parasites) into the MedScape dose calculator, the calculated dose is 11.40 (mg) daily.

So 2 x 6mg tablets a day.

In this write-up of a new clinical trial that I wrote this mornign, the trial is giving patients 600 mcg/kg/day -- that is, 600mcg/kg once daily for 3 days. Toward the bottom that post, I link to a study that found that 2000mg/kg did not produce Central Nervous System symptoms, a concern with ivermectin overdosing. The trial is going to give patients 1800mgc/kg over the course of 3 days.

To me, ivermectin is ridiculously safe. Literally billions of doses have been given to billions of people; maybe 2 people died, and they both had comorbidities that might explain their deaths. Read the "Safety" post I linked to in the write-up linked above.

If you went to 600mcg/kg/day, like the trial, that would be triple what I computed on the MedScape website: 6 x 6mg tablets per day, for 3 consecutive days. Take them after eating a fatty meal. Take 3 tablets after fatty lunch and 3 tablets after fatty dinner. The fat increases the bioavailability of the drug, i.e. you get 18% more kick when you take ivermectin with fat. Splitting it over two meals is the advise of a Peru MD.

That's what I would do if I were in your position.

HOWEVER, I am not an MD and this is not medical advice. It's just a amateur ivermectin sleuth offering my somewhat-informed opinion. Proceed at your own risk.

The MD who said take the ivermectin over two fatty meals also posted this. 90mg! Using the MedScape site, I figured out that 90mg corresponds to 830mcg/kg.

Good luck! Please keep me informed about your progress!

If fact, if you don't mind, please post about your condition and your experience as a regular post on /r/ivermectin. That will be educational! Give daily updates. If it gets embarrassing or something, you can always delete the post.

There was a post like that, when I was first getting involved with ivermectin. The guy has been suffering a long list of covid19-ish symptoms for two months. The MDs weren't helping him. The worst problem was chronic shortness of breath, which interfered badly with the guy's sleep. He self-dosed the horse paste form of ivermectin. Within 2-3 days his symptoms were better. He gave daily updates. He took a second dose a week after the first. It seemed that all his symptoms had gone away except the shortness of breath, which was better, good enough for him to be able to get a good night's sleep -- but was still a problem. THEN he stopped posting and a week or two later he deleted his post.

Just don't tell the world that you are acting on my advice, as though I am a doctor. That would be illegal; I could be accused of practicing medicine without a license.

HOWEVER, I am not an MD and this is not medical advice. It's just a amateur ivermectin sleuth offering my somewhat-informed opinion. Proceed at your own risk.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 21 2020 17:12:14

FYI, I have appointed myself to the job of gathering all ivermectin news, trials, articles etc at

The most science-based sub on reddit is r/covid19. This search will show you the ivermectin articles on that sub, most of which are my posts about new ivermectin trials. r/covid19 has a lot more readers so the comments are better / richer than on /r/ivermectin.

You might also find /r/coronavirus interesting. It has a higher standard of science than r/ivermectin, which contains a lot of science-free news articles. The standard is lower than r/covid19, which sometimes lets other interesting articles get attention. r/coronavirus also has a lot of readers and good comments.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 22 2020 18:56:38

Results here, ivermectin + doxycycline (IVMDX) to hydroxycloroquine + azithromycin (HCQAZT).

IVMDX somewhat superior:

100% recovered vs 96.36% for HCQAZT
Recovery was faster, 8.93 days vs 9.33 days for HCQACT
Subjects had fewer side-effects with IVMDX


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 22 2020 18:56:40

I'm taking it to avoid catching covid19, because of the theory that ivermectin binds to the IMP alpha/beta1 heterodimers, which prevents covid19 from using those dimers to enter the nucleus and replicate -- and a number of anecdotal reports by health professionals.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jun 22 2020 19:08:26

Dr. Carlos's SAINT trial has a primary completion date of August 4, study completion date of August 30. It is using a decent-sized dose, 400mcg/kg, but only 1 dose. Only 12 subjects will get ivermectin. IMO it is among the weakest of the ~40 IVM trails underway.

Hope it works!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 19:00:38

If you're interested in ivermectin, there are 285 ivermectin-related studies, articles and news stories here.

I post everything I can find (almost) daily, so it's a pretty exhaustive source.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 03 2020 20:32:00

I can name MANY doctors , hospital in Brazil with + outcomes. It's being prescribed as preventive measure to mitigate symptoms. in a town of almost 60 thousand people only 3 deaths (too late to treat). Front line workers took it and tested negat. The only 2 who refused, got it.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 06 2020 06:09:17

This fits!

Not for COVID-19 however

Why not?

52% fewer fatalities among sickest patients.

100% recovered, faster recovery, fewer side-effects than HCQ + AZT

Protects against covid19, stops disease advancement.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 19:23:26

hanks for the find, @ishan_bhupendra

ivermectin @jjchamie

Dr. Aguirre study: 33 patients with persistent COVID-19 symtoms were cured with 2 or more doses of ivermectin.


PDF translated from Spanish to English:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 08 2020 22:22:48


Ivermectin + HCQ + AZT was given to 16 patients who were compared to 71 matched patients who only received HCQ + AZT. Only 2 patients died, both in the no-IVM arm, not significant. IVM arm had much shorter length of stay, 7.62 vs 13.22 days, highly statistically significant.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 13 2020 08:22:59

These searches turn up hundreds of hits.

Searching the rosacea sub for "horse paste".

Searching the scabies sub for "horse paste".


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jul 16 2020 22:12:43


@alana_austin @canahuate @carlos_chaccour @didotjunkie @DrDebashisNath1 @grawoig @GrayDCnews @ISAI50471645 @IvermMan @jjchamie @JML21071664 @KyleMidura @Laurie_Garrett @mattsmith_news @PeterZampa @StevePhillipsMD @SylviaAPinal @tedfioraliso @themanof68 @verycosmic @veryvirology

@jjchamie @ponypie @florian_krammer @DrEricDing @ScottGottliebMD @ASlavitt @trvrb @JanuMontPer @JaySanc23769811 @AuroriaTwittori @wbgrant2 @RobHerring @ishan_bhupendra @Psychoman53 @eagle_mist @mirandadevine @HealthHibberd

@chrismartenson @Hapsys @LowOxCoach1 @realfoodcures @Aguirre1Gustavo @florian_krammer @PiePony1


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 09 2020 19:07:04

Ivermectin trial results:

Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial) (Iraq)

President of Dominican Republic’s Largest Private Health Group Discusses the Success of Ivermectin as a Treatment for Early Stage COVID-19 TrialSiteNews

Ivermectin Study Reveals Fantastic Results: 100% of 60 Patients Better in an Average of Just Under 6 Days Bangladesh


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 10 2020 23:37:57

Fits in a tweet:

2013 #ivermectin safety study with dosing implications:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 10 2020 23:41:38

Fits a tweet:

Safety study reviewed adverse events (AEs) for 12K subjects who took 2 drugs to kill parasites to 14K who took the 2 drugs + #ivermectin.

Incidence of AEs was the same for the 2 groups, implying IVM did not cause the AEs.

All 6 serious AEs recovered.

Backing information here:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 00:14:21

This study reviewed 52 serious AEs that occurred during 2009-2013. Out of how many? Not stated. In 2019, over 400 million were treated. The 52 occurred during 2009–2013. 400MM? 1.6B?

Doing math... about 36 went into coma. 4 of 52 died.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 00:57:25


Fact: #ivermectin is safe for infants.

Data were collected on 170 infants and children aged 1-64 months, with a body weight of 4-14·5 kg, who were treated with oral ivermectin. Adverse events were reported in seven patients (4%) and were not severe.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 01:08:08

2013 #ivermectin safety study with dosing implications:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 20:52:39

Fits in a tweet:

Great intro to #ivermectin, the Wonder Drug

Completed trials:

Clinical study:

Links to links: (400+)


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 11 2020 22:53:15

ivermectin is being used to fight covid-19 in these 16 countries (probably more):

Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 00:20:28

Evidence that horse paste #ivermectin is hazardous?


Evidence it is safe:

18 people reported successfully eating horse paste, in their review of the product on Amazon .

150+ people who ate horse paste to treat scabies.,comments&search=true&start=NaN&end=NaN&size=100


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 00:24:59

Fits twitter:

*** Evidence that horse paste #ivermectin is hazardous?


*** Evidence it is safe:

18 people reported eating horse paste in their Amazon reviews. None had problems.

150+ people who ate horse paste to treat scabies.,comments&search=true&start=NaN&end=NaN&size=100


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 12 2020 03:25:33


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 13 2020 20:26:28

On the 7th image in the set of PDF images at the bottom:

"Since Mectizan [ivermectin] was first donated in 1988, more than 4 billion Mectizan treatments were approved by MDP for the elimination of onchocerclasis [river blindness] and lf [filariasis]." 2019 Mectizan Donation Program Annual Highlights (PDF) Posted in r/ivermectin by u/TrumpLyftAlles • 2 points and 1 comment


[-] LinkifyBot | 1 points | Aug 13 2020 20:26:44

I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:

I did the honors for you.

^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 14 2020 00:15:00

In the article, Dr. Chaccour says:

Here we have a disease in Covid-19 with limited treatments and a drug that is available and which has been taken by billions already, and so it’s worth a try.

100s of MDs around the world ARE giving #ivermectin a try, with good results!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 14 2020 17:29:49

Re Baghdad study, tweet sized:

The trial was (#iveremectin + HCQ + DOXY) vs (HCQ + DOXY) -- so the research question was does IVM make HCQ + DOXY more effective? It does.

The big difference was days to recovery: 7.62 ± 2.75 versus 13.22 ±5.90 days. That's 5.6 days faster shorter recovery time with ivermectin.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 19 2020 23:30:35

For CONCENTRATION TOO HIGH!!! is raised. It's called the "hierarchy of evidence".


A more accurate title would be "Ivermectin is still not PROVEN to be a miracle cure for COVID-19..."

There is absolutely a lot more evidence that #ivermectin works, than evidence that it doesn't (none).

There is absolutely a lot more evidence that #ivermectin works, than evidence that it doesn't (none).


This is perhaps the 13th article with the same tired argument: CONCENTRATION TOO HIGH!!!.

ALL are based on the Monash in vitro study.

It's bad science, to give too much credence to in vitro studies. Despite that, these anti-#ivermectin articles keep getting cranked out.

( with the latter post, going forward.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 19 2020 23:48:28

For Ivermectin is still not a miracle cure for COVID-19

The Hierarchy of Evidence, with the best evidence at the top and worse at the bottom. The worst is in vitro studies.

Monash 48 hours is the basis for this article, and it is an in vitro study.

This article is just another trash #ivermectin hit piece.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 00:05:19

200 covid-19+ patients receive 18mg of #ivermectin on day 1 + doxycycline on days 1 - 5.

83.5% of the patients tested negative on day 6.

18mg. Safe.

Articles like "still not a miracle cure" are crap because test tubes don't have immune systems.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:33:10

With #ivermectin the hold-up is research. About 45 trials are underway. Two RCTs that have reported results. Both had weak control arms, probably because MDs are understandably unwilling to give placebos to patients with covid-19.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:34:04

MDs are trained to follow conservative (not the political sense) practices, e.g. prescribe drugs that are FDA-approved with proven track records. Few of them have heard of #ivermectin's potential against covid-19, which is NOT proven by their standards. Good RCTs are essential.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:35:06

The Hierarchy of Evidence

They ignore the pro-#ivermectin case reports, clinical reports and trials, endorsements by MDs, new stories etc. -- and argue from the weakest evidence. Are they simply unaware of them? Or are they corrupt scientists?

I'd like to believe the former.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:36:22

AFAIK, no one is using zinc with #ivermectin.

There are 4 trials looking at the combination, all in early stages.

2 completed trials evaluated ivermectin + doxycycline. No zinc.

Zinc might help, isn't tested, no one knows.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:36:50

AFAIK, no countries are using zinc with IVM + DOXY. The triple therapy guy came up with it, started a trial, it isn't proven.

2 trials have completed using just IVM + DOXY.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 20 2020 22:37:34

John @movethroughit found the answer.

Regarding the 13-year-old in a coma after taking #ivermectin:

The patient finally recovered consciousness and was able to return home after 48 hours.

ivermectin is ridiculously safe.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 21 2020 22:27:22

These links from the India white paper posted 2020-08-21 aren't working -- right now?,43364,43449,43728,43820&EncHid=&userName=ivermectinCTRIUnique%20ID:CTRI/2020/04/024858


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 22 2020 05:46:08

Tweets about Prof. Borody:

The fuss over Prof. Borody bugs me because he's never published any covid-19 OR #ivermectin research and his trial that may prove that his triple therapy works won't be done until Jan 2023.

People crow like his therapy is already proven. It's not. He made it up. No proof.

Proof of Borody's lack of relevant expertise:

Search PubMed for "Borody TJ covid-19" - no hits.

Search PubMed for "Borody TJ ivermectin" - no hits

He said he is adopting results from other countries. He is starting other studies. Look at his videos on the news.

Two Bangladesh studies compared #ivermectin + doxycycline to HCQ + AZT. They showed that IVM + DOXY was superior to HCQ + AZT.

They did not prove that IVM + DOXY is superior to placebo, because they had no placebo arm.

It seems likely that #ivermectin etc may be irrelevant by the time Borody's trial is completed, because vaccines should be widely available by then.

I don't know much about clinical trials -- but trial that takes 4 months instead of 12 or 16 months would be more useful, IMO.

Let's hope ClinicalTrials:

Estimated Primary Completion Date : August 2022

Estimated Study Completion Date : January 2023

has the wrong dates.

ivermectin needs RCTs ASAP.

He is starting other studies.

His triple therapy trial is scheduled for preliminary completion in 12 months, final completion 4 months after that.

By then, the efficacy of #ivermectin may be moot; with luck, we'll have good vaccines.

I'd start with the 1% in elder care facilities

It would be great to follow up on Toronto with research. Give #ivermectin to these 10 nursing homes matched with these 10 others, wait 3 months, compare. Fast, easy, safe, cheap.

Probably couldn't happen. Off-label. LAWSUITS.

Agree on all points! :)

From the public perspective, the potential ROI is huge. From Merck's, not so much.

There are ~45 trials being paid for.

Today I calculated the cost of giving all Americans one dose of #ivermectin.

$5.4 - $127 million, India vs US retail price

Agree! I think that Prof. Borody's advice to administer #ivermectin in nursing homes was good advice.

They already routinely use ivermectin in nursing homes and prisons for outbreaks of scabies.

Sadly, they won't do it until there's much better proof than the Toronto story.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 22 2020 05:49:43

Ivermectin is arguably the safest drug there is: 4+ billion doses given to billion(s) of people over 20+ years, less than 10 deaths.

Aspirin kills 3000/year. Penicillin kills 500/year in the US.

Two good safety studies.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 22 2020 09:44:27


I suspected that Borody has not tried his therapy. Confirmed: He hasn't.

Q: Can you tell us of any examples of people how sick they were and how rapidly this drug has worked?

A: No we have not started using this in Australian patients.


He then goes on to describe his labors:

We've used it in the US and the access that I have is where we had a 14 hospital trial in bangladesh. We've got 100 out of 100.

He's lying. He had no involvement in ICON, the only US study to date, or the Bangladesh study.


now i want to go to claims again of another so-called wonder drug in the treatment of coronavirus we've got to be skeptical about exaggerated claims of course but we're also going to look very carefully at what medical experts are putting forward and what results are showing on the ground we've seen studies and trials on hydroxychloroquine for instance that are dismissive than others that are very encouraging but when it comes to the drug ivormectum we're still in the relatively early stages but it too is a federal drug agency and world health organization approved drug that's widely used around the world for parasitic infections and is now being cited and prescribed as a treatment for covert 19. in fact this high-level australian study involving a number of institutions including monash university has declared that the drug inhibits the replication of the virus kills it off the key points here are the drug kills the virus in test tube experiments a single treatment produces a 5 000 fold reduction over 48 hours it's already approved to treat other infections so it can be repurposed and it's widely available as a listed wh o essential medicine it's being trialled around the world and in australia one doctor who says we should accelerate its use is sydney gastroenterologist professor thomas barodi he joins me now thanks so much for joining us thomas i appreciate it tell us about this drug how widely available it is and and what you've seen of its effect on coronavirus patients okay so it's available as a prescription medication you wouldn't use it alone you want to reduce the dose that was done in the test tube but you add two other things to it such as doxycycline and zinc and because i'm involved in the development of these in the u.s where all the patients are there are a number of studies that are amazingly successful we're talking close to 100 percent in fact we haven't seen a result yet under 100 percent it looks like corona it is very simple to kill very simple to kill now have you seen this in australian patients can you tell us of any examples of people how sick they were and how rapidly this drug has worked now we have not started using this in australian patients

We've used it in the us and the access that I have is where we had a 14 hospital trial in bangladesh. We've got 100 out of 100.

some am behind the ivor mectin doxycycline zinc treatment because it has very few side effects and is a real killer of coronavirus and is iv mectin prescribed commonly in australian aged care settings all ready for other problems yes it is prescribed in for scabies for example we use it for stocharalis in gastroenterology and it's been well used overseas for various parasites especially south america africa and in south america for example they will treat a whole block of people in a city and not one person catches coronavirus other blocks do so i think it's time that we took a very serious look and started treating people in victoria with flying teams that would treat the aged care home people frontline workers and that those who are found positive for covet and if we start seeing within a week or two fewer and fewer going to hospital we'll have an answer very rapidly without having to go to very long and twisted trials i'll come back to that suggestion in just a moment but first up you're saying that this drug works both as a preventative from infection and as a cure for people who are already suffering symptoms correct but what you're saying now is this drug is ready and safe for use in victoria you'd like to see government and medical authorities adopt its use now won't people suggest that we need to await proper clinical trials in this country well there's so much published on trials and we have deaths happening that we should set up a team victoria in fact a team australia bring people in from other states and identify anyone who's positive and treat them and those who are around them give them half dose preventative treatment and those who are on the front lines they should all be on the preventative because the side effects are so minimal minuscule really that i don't really know why we haven't started treating before well similar care homes you know is similar to the debate about hydroxychloroquine because the drug's been around so long and you know about uh the side effects you know it's safe to use there's not much uh risk is there in actually attempting these trials to see what sort of an effect you can get the hydroxychloroquinosithromycin versus either mectin it's apples and oranges i would only support either nectar and tell us about the other medical you support you're getting here any other organizations pushing for this uh a government's listening what are the next steps here because there is a sense of urgency in victoria in particular well there it's used a lot in india the government north of australia you know has talked to us about treating the recent spike that occurred in in port moresby around this area and i think there are those who see that you can't go wrong trying something that is being reported in virtually 100 cure rate and no percent side effects like four percent have headaches excuse me why don't we use it i have doctors who take it as prophylactic here in australia and there's so many in the us who take it but that doesn't come out any news although i can get you to speak with people in the us who are physicians who develop code they get fevers headaches they lose this sense of smell and taste and within 24 hours the fevers and headaches and that the sore throats disappear it's a very rapidly acting treatment in clinical medicine finally uh professor on this i've looked at some of the material at some of the studies today it does strike me as surprising we haven't heard more about this do you understand why we haven't heard more about this why there isn't more awareness why perhaps governments in particular aren't focusing more on this well i have pondered this and i think one of the best answers is that there is no big pharmaceutical company behind it you know if i was to join a team to try and get people not to go to hospital i won't make any money out of it i'm not interested because it's cheap it's rapidly available now we won't run out of it like we did with the hydroxychloroquine but there is no huge pharmaceutical company behind it to spend millions of dollars and put people in places to treat so it just didn't get a lot of airing i guess but now it just happened because we've got summer disaster happening especially in victoria so we need to give people hope for victoria thomas thanks so much for joining us pleasure professor thomas barodi there with some astonishing news about the prospects of either mechtim a very well known drug around the world of medical circles so you heard what he had to say about it there we'll follow this story up next week for sure


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 22 2020 09:58:25


I suspected that Borody has not tried his therapy. Confirmed: He hasn't.

Q: Can you tell us of any examples of people how sick they were and how rapidly this drug has worked?

A: No we have not started using this in Australian patients.


Borody continues:

WE've used it in the US and the access that I have is where WE had a 14 hospital trial in Bangladesh. WE've got 100 out of 100.


He's lying. He had no involvement the Bangladesh study, or the ICON study, the only US study to date. Neither used zinc.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 23 2020 06:51:42

Prof. Borody

Has no background in covid-19 or #ivermectin
Has not written one relevant paper
Has not done one relevant study
Has not treated ONE PERSON with his therapy
Has no proof that it works
His trial won't be done until -- Jan 2023 <--

$899/pill? In time for covid-24?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 23 2020 07:24:53

ivermectin is FDA approved for strongyloidiasis, not covid-19. US MDs may prescribe ivermectin off-label for covid-19 -- but there's liability risk.

The FDA won't approve ivermectin for covid-19 until strong RCT trials come in. Prof. Borody's trial won't be done until 2023.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Aug 23 2020 23:13:02



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 24 2020 01:03:19

Doesn't it bother you, to accept as Gospel the assertions of someone who has only read some research papers? He's never done an #ivermectin covid-19 study or written a paper on the subject, or treated any patients with his therapy.

Why believe him?

He IS a great bullshitter.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 29 2020 04:46:20

















Hoyt @Hoytster · Aug 25 New #ivermectin trial almost done in Dhaka Bangladesh.

Placebo-controlled double-blind randomly-assigned with N = 400, comparing #ivermectin + doxycycline to standard care.

Preliminary completion: 2020-08-25 (today) Final completion: 2020-08-30 Clinical Trial of Ivermectin Plus Doxycycline for the Treatment of... Posted in r/ivermectin by u/TrumpLyftAlles • 1 point and 1 comment Hoyt @Hoytster @alana_austin



















[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Aug 29 2020 04:46:41



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 30 2020 05:13:12

Borody's triple therapy has never been tested. He hasn't treated ONE PATIENT with it. His trial is scheduled for completion in January 2023. The FDA may approve it 3-6 months later. IF it works, it will be ready in time for covid-24.

$399/pill? Who knows? $699?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 30 2020 23:00:16

US MDs can legally prescribe #ivermectin off-label like AUS GPs can. They won't, though, until it is established and known that ivermectin is effective against covid-19. Some institution will have to endorse ivermectin: FDA, WHO, AMA...

Otherwise US MDs face liability issues.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 30 2020 23:06:55


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 31 2020 04:35:28

Dr. Aguirre's twitter timeline:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Aug 31 2020 18:09:20

These are my next reads:

Part II:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 02 2020 02:05:44

Here's the trial's registration:

Study Completion Date : January 2023

If the trial looks great, the FDA may approve it for covid-19 in 3 months. Maybe another 3-6 months to set up manufacturing and distribution. So 2024 maybe?

In time for covid-24.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 20 2020 00:38:36

@CovidAnalysis site: FLCCC


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Nov 07 2020 11:14:18

Ivermectin vs covid19 links

Outpatient treatment protocol:


LOTS of info:

~650 articles:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 28 2020 06:30:20

Someone wanted links to trials. This fits. The address of the image:

Treating patients:

The image is from this study (Group A is ivermectin+doxycycline):



[-] LinkifyBot | 1 points | Sep 28 2020 06:30:36

I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:

I did the honors for you.

^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Sep 29 2020 01:10:53

Re: Outcome of ivermectin treated mild to moderate COVID-19 cases: a single-centre, open-label, randomised controlled study

The study report says that there were no statistically significant effects from ivermectin. FALSE.

It's p-values are always .05.

I calculated the actual p-values.

Shortness of breath was StatSig 3 times, fatigue 1 time, myalgia was close.

NB: bold lines

Ivermectin works!

The Excel image


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 05 2020 20:14:01

Ivermectin resources:

If you want to read one paper:

At-a-glance list of studies with positive, negative, inconclusive:

Good research collection:

Very LARGE, organized, opinionated:

The most articles, allows conversations, a jumble though:


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 16 2020 07:30:25

Ivermectin has been used in Mass Drug Administrations to fight river blindness and filariasis (elephantiasis) since 1989. 4+ billion doses taken by billion(s) of people. In 2019, a billion doses were donated by Merck.

Ivermectin has been off-patent for decades. In India a therapeutic dose sells for about 50 cents US. It's extremely safe, essentially 100% safe for people who don't have a couple pernicious parasites, 99.9% safe for those who do. It's a prescription drug in the US, but in most of the world it's sold over the counter.

The WHO trial registry ICTRP lists 68 trials of ivermectin vs covid-19. About 5 trials have been completed, with mixed results but largely positive. 3-5 studies (depending on what you accept as a study) have shown that ivermectin may provide effective prophylaxis against the virus, i.e. prevent people from catching covid. Ivermectin is part of the Eastern Virginia Medical School covid-19 treatment protocol for prophylaxis and treatment of outpatients and mildly-ill inpatients.

If you would like to learn more about ivermectin, there are 600 studies, articles, news stories, etc. here:

Come join us!


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 21 2020 03:15:36

The basic imp alpha/beta chart:

From here the chart.

Maybe the page instead of just the image from the chart?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Oct 31 2020 09:54:02

Chart: Typical Progress of COVID-19

From @kutrinet (twitter)
