Murky-Lengthiness | 10 points | Apr 23 2020 16:56:06

Prediction of an all out war to prevent ivermectine from being used

Ivermectine is practically impossible to fumble in trials (like they are doing with the badly designed ones with chloroquine: NONE use zinc!, some underdose while others ridiculously overdose, etc) since (like in this case) even a single dose (ridiculously low dose probably intended to fail) worked miracles. And since overdosing is almost not an option (even five tablets at once is safe) and it works even without zinc (it should be used with zinc, we have been testing it as a preventive since December) it will be impossible to disprove. So here is the prediction: just like I predicted when Trump first announced hes support for chloroquine (right in this sub reddit), I predict there will follow a miriad of scientific papers trying to prove that the levels of the drug used successfully in vitro are not achievable in vivo (to prevent more trials to come to light). You can see this already becoming true by the null publicity this (the one I published here) trial is getting (ivermectine it’s non patentable), while the Remdesivir mediocre preliminary results are overhyped (patented).


[-] emealia | 2 points | Apr 23 2020 20:18:15

How/why is ivermectin not patentable?


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 4 points | Apr 23 2020 21:26:49

Because by now it is generic. The original patent expired so right now no one can claim exclusive use against Covid 19.


[-] PyroWizza | 2 points | Apr 24 2020 01:37:58

Ok just for clarity, you are saying that regardless of dosage (whether it’s too high to too low) that ivermectin is effective in treating covid19?

Being generic, would that mean there is ample supply of this drug? Wouldn’t that be good for private companies to use it? Isn’t that what they want?


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 8 points | Apr 24 2020 02:23:46

Yes to the first part. Yes to the second. Yes to the third part. No to the last. They want to sell it a a very high price but since it’s generic they cannot do that (the pharmaceutical companies) so they will attack anyone that recommends its use. Also, they will push the use of patented “alternatives” like Remdesivir.


[-] PyroWizza | 1 points | Apr 24 2020 10:17:13

Have there been trials in humans? We can’t let them bury this. People are dying everyday.

Plus I read that Remdisivir has failed some trials.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Apr 24 2020 14:47:47

Remdesivir is garbage. Yes, please see the link I posted in this thread about the first trial in humans. Yes, burying this is criminal!.
